ES 200 1/28


Flashcards on ES 200 1/28, created by Jacob Sipple on 23/01/2020.
Jacob Sipple
Flashcards by Jacob Sipple, updated more than 1 year ago
Jacob Sipple
Created by Jacob Sipple about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Climate forcing something that changes earth's energy budget(input or output) can be natural(i.e. volcanic) or caused by humans changes global temperature
radiative forcing change in net, downward minus upward radiation at the top of atmos, changed by concentration of Greenhouse gases, change occurred relative to 1750(indust revo)
climate sensitivity magnitude of temp response
sun solar output changes(why) sunspots
sunspots 11 year cycle changes by about .1% more solar radiaton
albedo reflection: clouds, glaciers, deserts, vegetation, aerosols(fog dust steam smoke etc.)
aerosols airborne solids or liquid particles size <10microns(basically atoms-dust) suspended in the atmosphere fog, dust, steam, smoke, air pollutants, soot
albedo #s snow clouds(>50%), soil plants(49-11%, water <10%
sources of aerosol dust, soot, fires, manufacturing
ozone reflects UV light in stratosphere if in troposphere toxic to plants and animals
most effective climate forcing Greenhouse gas(warming) aerosols(cooling)
El Nino reversal of winds near equator and warms up area around south america results in warmer winter in US and australia and some other stuff around the world
radiative forcing values CO2(~2) Methane, N2O(~1) ozone(~.5) aerosol(~-1)
climate sensitivity parameter 0.4 change in temp = radiative forcing * .4
feedback loops positive feedback amplifies negative decreases, look at water vapor feedback loop
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