Making of America - Exam question structure


GCSE History (Making of America) Flashcards on Making of America - Exam question structure, created by Emma Perryman on 28/01/2020.
Emma Perryman
Flashcards by Emma Perryman, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Michael Sessions
Created by Michael Sessions about 5 years ago
Emma Perryman
Copied by Emma Perryman over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Making of America Q1 You will get three 1 mark questions - You can answer in a single word or phrase - no need for a sentence - Only write one thing for each question. - Don’t waste time thinking, write something down an move on
Making of America Q2 9 marks - Spend approximately 11 minutes on this question (13 mins with extra time) - This question will always start: Write a clear and organised summary that analyses… - You must use a least one History Skill in your answer : Cause, consequence, similarity and difference, continuity and change, significance. - Aim to write three developed points - can be done in half a page.
Making of America Q3 10 Marks spend approximately 13 mins on this question (16 Mins with extra time) - This is an explanation question. It might ask you why something happened, or what the impact of a person/ event was. - Make sure that you link back to the question by using the key words from the question in every point you make. Aim to write three developed points - Approximately 2/3 of page - You must use at least one history skill in your answer: Cause, consequence, similarity and difference, continuity and change, significance.
Making of America Q4/5 Q4/5 18 marks - Spend approximately 23 minutes answering this question (28mins with extra time) - This is an essay question - it will give you a view and ask how far you agree with it or ask you to argue about an issue . Have a view point - don't sit on the fence. - You muse use at least one history skill in your answer: Cause, consequence, similarity and difference, continuity and change, significance. - Link every point you make back to the question - use the key words from the question to do this. Must have points on both sides of the argument. - Aim for 4 developed points in total. - To get the top marks you must have a clinching argument in your conclusion that compares the side to show why your view is stronger.
Making of America Q4/5 Structure Q4/5 Structure - Intro: Show there are two sides, show what side you are on. Keep it short - no need for more than a sentence or two. Section 1: Side you agree with e.g. there is good evidence to suggest it is true that ….. For example…… this shows….......... because. - Section 2: Side you disagree with e.g. However, others would argue... For example ..... This suggests..... because. Conclusion: A 'Clinching argument' Weigh up the two side of the argument - prove your side is stronger by comparing the two. E.g. There is evidence to suggest.... but this is less significant than...because.
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