Various Important Branches of Science


Flashcards on Various Important Branches of Science, created by ushashidatta on 22/02/2015.
Flashcards by ushashidatta, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ushashidatta almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Sound and Sound waves Acoustics!
Activities of Flying Aeronautics
Production of crops and soil management Agronomy
Dissectional learning of animal and human body Anantomy
Origin, culture and physical development of man Anthropology
Study of material remains of past as proofs Archaeology
Space vehicles and travelling in space Astrononautics
Study of planets and heavenly bodies Astronomy
Science of living organisms Biology
Study of plants Botany
Study of Heart and heart related diseases Cardiology
Manufacturing of clay objects Ceramics
Study of aquatic mammal, especially the whales Cetology
Study of Universe Cosmology
Studying effects of low temperature Cryogenics
Structure and function of cells Cytology
Study of finger prints is Dactylogy
Study of Skin Dermatology
Study of diet and nutrition Dietatics
Study of organisms and environment relationship Ecology
Study of insects Entomology
Study of Endocrine Glands Endocrinology
Study of origin and history of words Etymology
Study of heredity and its laws Genetics
Study of earth's chemical and physical structure Geology
Study of ageing process, problems and diseases Gerontology
Female diseases of reproductive system Gynecology
Study of blood and related disorders Haematology
Study of Tissues Histology
Study of Body's immune system Immunology
External Structure of living organisms Morphology
Study of Fungi and Fungal diseases Mycology
Study of kidney Nephrology
Study of pregnancy, child birth and their follow up Obstetrics
Study of birds Ornithology
Study of Human Skeletal System Orthopaedics
Study of Bones Osteology
Study of child diseases Paediatrics
Study of fossils and ancient life forms Paleontology
Mechanisms and manifestation of diseases Pathology
Drugs and their effects on the body Pharmacology
Study of life processes of various organs of living beings Physiology
Study of mental disorders Psychiatry
Study of sign language and signs Semiology
Study of earthquakes Seismology
Study of religions Theology
Study of toxic substances and poison Toxicology
Study of animal life Zoology
Study of fermentation process Zymology
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