Liberación de ingles


Liberación de ingles
Uri Carranza
Flashcards by Uri Carranza, updated more than 1 year ago
Uri Carranza
Created by Uri Carranza almost 5 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Sun the sun is very strong today
Bee a bee stung me
Pet I found plastic in the backpack
Frog there is a frog in the yard
Tail stepped on my tail
Cat i have a black cat
Nose my nose is burning
Arm my arm hurts
Foot my foot hurts
Hair my hair grew
Face my face is ugly
Shoe i found a shoe in my closet
Sock I have a sock on
Hat i forgot my hat
Gray my hair is gray
Red the water is red
Black my friend is black
Giirl that girl hits me
Son my son is smart
Cake I will buy cake for my mom
Burger I feel like a burger
Milk my baby wants milk
Sweet I want something sweet
Onion the onion makes me cry
Eat I want to eat
Cold the weather is cold
Ill I'm sick
Cry I'm crying
Room i go to my room
Sofa i go to the sofa
Desk I will work at my desk
Bed I'm going to sleep in bed
Home sweet Home
Card I will take out my card
Sad I'm sad
Sam sam is great
Alex alex is great
Nick nick is american
Two two seconds for class to end
Ten ten minutes rest
Five five minutes to win
Street the street is dangerous
Market lets go to the market
Stove I will use the stove
Read I'm going to read
Pen I'm going to buy a pen
Ruler I will occupy the rule
Dance I go to dance classes
Hot dog I feel like a hot dog
Miday what a beautiful midday
Never I will never smoke again
Train I'm leaving the train
Bike I will go by bicycle
Truck I'm in a truck
Sunny what a sunny day
Town i go to my town
Exit I'm going out
Get on I'm going to get in the truck
Freed i will free you
Hide I'm going to hide
Help Help me to get up
Kick I'm going to kick you
When when you go to the store
Mirror I'll buy a mirror
Scared I am scared
Child That child fell silent
June June is coming
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