BMS13-1053 - Liver & pancreas


LOs are to: -Understand the primary features of the exocrine pancreas - Understand the organisation and endocrine role of the Islets of Langerhans - Understand the structure of the liver and how it relates to function including the lobule, the blood supply/drainage, and production/transport of bile
Evian Chai
Flashcards by Evian Chai, updated more than 1 year ago
Evian Chai
Created by Evian Chai almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the role of the pancreas? To synthesise/secrete enzymes into the duodenum
What is the structure of the pancreas, and what type of exocrine secretion is it? Branched acinar structure Merocrine secretion
What do the centroacinar cells secrete? secrete bicarbonate for alkaline secretion
What are the two main structural differences between the pancreas and the salivary ducts? 1. Pancreas has no striated ducts 2. Pancreas has centroacinar cell
What do the Islets of Langerhan produce, and what type of secretion is it? Produce insulin, glucagon, somatostatin VIP, PP Endocrine secretion into blood supply
What are the 8 functions of the liver? 1 . Exocrine production of bile 2. Processes absorbed nutrients 3. Metabolise fats/proteins/carbs 4. Store carbs/lipids/vitamins 5. Synthesise plasma proteins/lipoproteins 6. Detoxify toxins 7. Destroy RBC/reclaim iron 8. Haematopoiesis in embryo
What is the structure of the liver? Made up of hexagonal lobules with central vein in the middle
What are the three parts of the portal tract arising from the central vein in each lobule? The triad of hepatic portal vein, portal vein, and bile duct
What is the blood supply to the liver? Dual system blood supply: 1. Hepatic artery supplies arterial (oxygenated blood) 25% 2. Hepatic portal vein supplies partially deoxygenated blood from small intestine
How is venous drainage achieved in the liver? The central vein drains -->hepatic portal vein-->inferior vena cavae
What are sinusoids? Enlarged capillaries with fenestrated endothelium that delivers blood from the hepatic artery/portal vein to the central vein
What do Kupffer cells do? Phagocytic cells
Where are endothelial cells located? Line sinusoids
What is the main cell type in the sinusoid, and what is its function? Hepatocytes that sit in rows next to sinusoid Have microvilli extending into Space of Disse Produce bile
What do Ito cells do and where are they located? Store Vit A in lipid droplets Transforms into myofibroblast after inflammation, causes cirrhosis In Space of Disse
What is cirrhosis? Replacement of normal tissue with scar tissue cuts off blood supply to hepatocytes
What does hepatocytes secrete bile into? The bile canaliculus between hepatocytes which then travels opposite blood
What is bile? What 2 things does it contain? A thick alkaline fluid containing: -bile salts from cholesterol that emulsify fats in duodenum - bile pigments that are breakdown products of haemoglobin
What are the two bile pigments? Biliverdin (green) Bilirubin (red)
Which zone of the liver lobules get the most oxygenated/nutritious blood but are also more affected by toxins? Zone 1, Zone 2/3 have less
What does zone 1 of the lobules metabolise compared to zone 2/3? Zone 1 metabolises glucose Zone 2/3 metabolises stored glycogen
In paracetamol poisoning, where does damage first occur? The central vein because closest to zone 1
Can the liver regenerate at all times? Yes, unless in cirrhosis
What is the function of the gallbladder? Receives/stores/concentrates bile from liver bile ducts
How does the gallbladder achieve the desired concentration of bile? Na+/K+ ATPase
What is the epithelial cell type of the gallbladder? Tall, simple, columnar epithelium with irregular brush border
What stimulates the smooth muscle layer in the gallbladder? Cholecystokinin released by cells of duodenum when food arrives
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