OCB02-1009-Early tooth development/Late tooth development/Tooth morphogenesis


Understand: -basic stages of tooth development, features and timing - define cranial neural crest cells and ectomesenchyme. -origin of epithelium and mesenchyme involved in tooth development -function and fate of the enamel organ, dental papilla and dental follicle.- -location and features of primary and secondary enamel knots. Describe initiation of development of secondary dentition -dental lamina and its fate. Explain cellular origin of odontoblasts and ameloblasts.
Evian Chai
Flashcards by Evian Chai, updated more than 1 year ago
Evian Chai
Created by Evian Chai almost 5 years ago
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Question Answer
What are the 5 main stages of tooth development? 1. Initiation 2. Bud Stage 3. Cap Stage 4. Bell Stage 5. Eruption
What are the two parts of the dental lamina? The dental lamina is made of the oral epithelium (oral ectoderm cells) and the mesenchyme (ectomesenchyme cells)
Where does dental tissue originate from? 1. Frontonasal process 2. The 1st brachial arch 3. 2nd brachial arch
Where do the oral epithelium cells originate from, and what does they become? Originates from the ectoderm, becomes enamel
Where does the oral mesenchyme cells originate from, and what do they become? Originate from neural crest cells, become dentin, dental pulp, cementum, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone sack
Where are neural crest cells found? At the neural fold
What do defects in the neural crest cells lead to? 1. Treacher Collins syndrome 2. Defective structures from 1st/2nd brachial arches (eg. ear, teeth, cleft palate, droopy eyes, flat face)
Which transcription factors are present in the epithelium? Which are present in the mesenchyme? Epithelium: PITX2 Mesenchyme: BARX1, PAX9, LHX5,6
What occurs during the initiation stage of tooth development? 1. Forming of the primary epithelial band from thickening of oral epithelium (Shh) 2. Formation of dental (lingual) +vestibular (buccal) lamina 3. Dental placode develops on the dental lamina
What is the primary epithelial band? Thickened band of oral epithelium along oral side of maxilla/mandible
What is the dental placode? Swellings on the dental lamina that correspond to a future tooth
What occurs during the bud stage? 1. Placode proliferates into bud shape 2. Mesenchyme around epithelial band CONDENSES
During the cap stage, what determines the shape? 1. Unequal proliferation of cells
What are the cell types in the enamel organ? 1. Outer enamel epithelium 2. Inner enamel epithelium 3. Stellate reticulum 4. Stratum intermedium
Where is the dental papilla located compared to the dental follicle? The dental papilla is directly under the enamel bud, while the dental follicle is around it
What creates the bell shape? What are the two mechanisms in which this happens? Primary Enamel Knot 1. PEK cells do NOT divide 2. Meanwhile PEK cells act as signalling centre secreting growth factors Different rates of cell division lead to shape
What growth factors does the PEK secrete? BMPs Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGFs) Wnts Sonic Hedgehog (Shh)
What happens to the PEK eventually? What signals this? Dies via apoptosis Signalled by BMP4
What does the PEK mark? The first buccal cusp
In multicuspid teeth, when does the secondary enamel knots form? What does the number, timing and layout indicate? Early bell stage # of knots=# of cusps Timing of SEK initiation=height of cusps Layout indicates cusp pattern eg. Cusp of Carabelli caused by large crown area with small cusp distance
What are the 3 layers of the dental follicle? Inner layer Loose connective layer Outer layer
What is the cervical loop? What does the cervical loop become, and what is its function? Where the outer enamel epithelium meets the inner enamel epithelium Hertwig's epithelial root sheath For root formation
When does tooth buds for permanent teeth form? How does this happen? Occurs during the late bell stage Backward extension of the dental lamina
What is the difference between a successional and an accessional tooth? Successional: Has predecessor Accessional: Has no predecessor (eg. PM1, PM2, PM3)
What activates tooth generation? Wnt
What are the Epithelial Pearls of Serres? What can they lead to? Epithelial cells that persist after dental lamina breaks down Can cause cysts, odontomas, supernumerary teeth
When does hard tissue (ameloblasts/odontoblasts) start forming at the tip of cusps? Late bell stage
Where are ameloblasts first located? How do they move? What do they lay down? First located at inner enamel epithelium Move AWAY from pulp Lay down enamel
Where are odontoblasts first located? How do they move? What do they lay down? Periphery of dental papilla Move INTO pulp Lay down dentin
Do ameloblasts or odontoblasts differentiate first? What do they secrete? Odontoblasts Predentin which signals preameloblast to become ameloblast
Does dentin or enamel form first? Dentin
How is tooth type determined? The homeobox code-different levels of gene expression in different areas
Where is the homeobox code located? In the mesenchyme, precedes tooth development
What limits the growth of teeth? Alveolar bone
What is the EDA Signalling pathway and what does it lead to? 1. EDA from BUD binds to receptors on Enamel knot 2. Edar turns on Edaradd 3. PEK/SEK formation
What are some EDA defects? Defective PEK/SEK leading to: -Cusp/enamel flattening -Reduced PEK-->defective SEK-->lower number of cusps
What is hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia? Reduced teeth and flattening cusps
What occurs with overexpression of EDAR? Formation of extra cusps
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