Russia in revolution Timeline


Flashcards on Russia in revolution Timeline , created by PaigeGladstone on 04/03/2015.
Flashcards by PaigeGladstone, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by PaigeGladstone over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1855 Alexander II becomes Tsar
1861 Emancipation of the serfs
1881 Alexander II assassinated. His sucsessor Alexander III takes over and begins period of repression
1892 Witte becomes finance minister. The 'Great Spurt' of industrial growth begins
1894 Nicholas II becomes Tsar
1898 Social Democrat party founded
1901 Social revolutionary party founded
1904 Outbreak of the Russo-Japanese war
1905 Year of Revolution
1906 Stolypin becomes Prime Minister
1911 Stolypin assassinated
1914 Outbreak of WW1
1917 Feb: Revolution- Tsar abdicates, and the provisional government is established April: Lenin returns to Russia; April theses July: July Days August: Kornilov affair October: Bolshevik seizure of power; Lenin establishes new goverment
1918 Outbreak of the Civil War War communism introduced
1921 Civil war ends Kronstadt Mutiny 'New Economic' Policy replaces war communism
1922 Creation of USSR. Lenin becomes seriously ill
1924 Lenin dies
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