Color Unit Evaluation


11th grade Physics (Color and Light) Flashcards on Color Unit Evaluation, created by Olivia Gibbs on 06/03/2015.
Olivia Gibbs
Flashcards by Olivia Gibbs, updated more than 1 year ago
Olivia Gibbs
Created by Olivia Gibbs over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Why do objects look a certain color? Objects look a certain color because of their natural frequency. Different materials have different natural frequencies. Most materials absorb light of some frequencies, and reflect the rest. The light a material reflects is the color it looks.
Why does colored glass transmit a certain color of light? Colors that have a different frequency than the color of the glass will have their energy absorbed by the glass. They warm the glass instead of being transmitted as light. If the frequency of the color and the glass is the same, the glass will transmit the color.
What are the three primary colors for light addition? Red Green Blue
What colors appear when lights of any two primary colors are shone a white object? Red + Green = Yellow Green + Blue = Cyan Red + Blue = Magenta
How would you guess a TV set makes purple? Red and blue light
What is color subtraction? In color subtraction, the color that a surface displays depends on which parts of the visible spectrum are not absorbed and therefore remain visible.
When is color subtraction used? Reflected light Mixed pigments Filters
What color do you get when you mix blue paint with yellow paint? Green, because, between blue and yellow pigments, all colors are absorbed except green.
Why is the sky blue? Air molecules absorb and then reemit blue light, scattering it in all directions.
What is the true color of water? Cyan, because water molecules resonate somewhat to the visible-red frequencies. This causes gradual absorption of red light but water. It appears cyan because red is taken away from white light.
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