Email Security


Vocabulary on email security.
Shantal K  Green
Flashcards by Shantal K Green, updated more than 1 year ago
Shantal K  Green
Created by Shantal K Green almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
SPF Sender Policy Framework a email authentication system designed to prevent email spoofing. It works by verifying that an email message is sent from an authorized IP address.
Spoofing -tricking or deceiving computer systems or other computer users -sending messages from a bogus e-mail address or faking the e-mail address of another user
Phishing a term used to describe a malicious individual or group of individuals who scam users. They do so by sending e-mails or creating web pages that are designed to collect an individual's online bank, credit card, or other login information
Pharming a scamming practice in which malicious code is installed on a personal computer or server, misdirecting users to fraudulent Web sites without their knowledge or consent
Antispam any software, hardware or process that is used to combat the proliferation of spam or to keep spam from entering a system
Email Protections the collective measures used to secure the access and content of an email account or service. It allows an individual or organization to protect the overall access to one or more email addresses/accounts
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