Árabic Flashcards 4


Varios Arquivo Morto (Árabe) Flashcards on Árabic Flashcards 4, created by Anderson Costa on 24/04/2020.
Anderson Costa
Flashcards by Anderson Costa, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Anderson Costa
Created by Anderson Costa almost 5 years ago
Anderson Costa
Copied by Anderson Costa almost 5 years ago
Anderson Costa
Copied by Anderson Costa almost 5 years ago
Anderson Costa
Copied by Anderson Costa over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
أين تسكن Where do you live? أيْنَ تَسْكُن؟ ʾaina taskun?
اين تدرس “where do you study?” ʾayna tadrusu?
متى when مَتَى matā
عد come back eud
تعود you coming back taʿūdu
منزل home مَنزِل manzil
ولدت you born wulidta
وصل arrive وَصَل waṣala
منذ متى since when Munḏu matā
من هؤلاء الناس who are these people? Man hāʾulāʾ al-nās?
من رسم هذه اللوحة "Who painted this painting?" man rasama hāḏihi al-lawḥah?
لمن to who / in who / for who liman
أتكلم speak أَتكَلِّم ʾatkallem
تتكلم you speak تَتَكَلَّم tatakallamu
من هذا who is this? man hadha
لماذا why لِمَاذَا limāḏā
لماذا أكلت وحدك Why did you eat alone? limāḏā ʾakalta waḥdaka?
أكل eat أَكَلَ ʾkala
لماذا أتيت هنا why did you come here limadha 'atayt huna
لما لا why not? limaa la?
كل شيء everything كـُلُّ شـَيء kullu šayʾ
حقا really ḥaqqan
أنا طالب I'm student ʾanā ṭalib.
أيضا too, also ʾayḍan
بحث to look for baḥaṯa
أبحث I'm looking for Abhat
نبحث we're looking for nabḥaṯ
بلد country balad
هو he huwa
لنذهب Let's go! linaḏhab!
مقهى coffee shop, cafe maqhaa, maqhā
أنا نعسان I'm sleepy ʾanā naʿsān
أنا جائع I'm hungry ʾanā ǧāʾiʿ
أنا عطشان I'm thirsty ʾanā ʿaṭšān
فقدت I lost faqadtu
ما الأمر what's the matter maa l-'amr?
مفاتيحي my keys mafātīḥī
إنَّهُ هُناك he's there ʾinnahu hunāk
هناك there هُناك hunāk
مَنْ في الصورَة who is this in the picture?
الصورة picture al - surah
أب dad ab
زوج husband zuj
زوجة wife zujah
هل ترغب بشيء آخ would you like something else? (said to a man) hal tarġab bišayʾ ʾāḫar?
نريد we want nuridu
شاي tea shay
شيء thing shay'
ماذا سَتَفعَلين هَذا المَساء how are you doing this evening?
لا أتذكر I don't remember laa atadakkar
أتذكر I remember atadakkar
المسرح the theatre al-masrah
الأسماء the names al-samaa
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