Development terms


developmental psychology terms
kimmi stargaryen
Flashcards by kimmi stargaryen, updated more than 1 year ago
kimmi stargaryen
Created by kimmi stargaryen about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Assimilation When new knowledge fits with old knowledge and doesn't need a cognitive change.
Accommodation When a conflict between existing knowledge and new knowledge results in a change in cognitive structure.
Symbolic Thinking The ability to use symbols such as words or pictures to represent objects or people.
Object Permanence The knowledge that an object continues to exist when it is not in sight.
Egocentric point of view The inability to see things from another persons point of view.
Metacognition The ability to understand your own mental activity.
cognitive control processes Organises and stores information and controls all cognitive activities.
Conservation The understanding that redistributing an object does not affect its mass volume or quantity.
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