Verbs #01


The most common verbs #01
Karol Lima
Flashcards by Karol Lima, updated more than 1 year ago
Karol Lima
Created by Karol Lima over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
verbs verbos
'to' + verb significa que o verbo está no modo INFINITIVO terminado em : /ar/ , /er/ , /ir/ no Português
to be ser / estar
to love amar
to like gostar de
to need precisar de
to read ler
to write escrever
to dream sonhar
to eat comer
to want querer
to go ir
to know saber
to have ter
to do fazer
to make fazer (no sentido de fabricar)
to get conseguir (um de seus significados)
to say dizer
to speak falar
to talk conversar
to tell contar
to take pegar
to see ver
to look olhar
to hear ouvir = escutar
to listen ouvir = escutar (no sentido de prestar atenção)
to come vir
to use usar
to give dar (no sentido de doar)
to help ajudar
to wait esperar
to think pensar
to find achar / encontrar
to work trabalhar
to ask perguntar
to call chamar / ligar / telefonar
to travel viajar
to sleep dormir
to can poder (ou ter habilidade de)
to feel sentir
to dance dançar
to singer cantar
to learn aprender
to meet encontrar
to stay ficar (no sentido de permanecer)
to understand entender
to watch assistir (no sentido de ver algo)
to live viver
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