
Tym Marsh
Flashcards by Tym Marsh, updated more than 1 year ago
Tym Marsh
Created by Tym Marsh about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
have you the garden which I have? num tibi est hortus qui mihi est?
I have not the one that you have non est mihi is, qui tibi est
which looking glass have you? quod speculum habes?
I have the one which your brother has habeo id, quod frater tuus habet
has he the book that your friend has? num ille habet librum, quem amicus tuus habet?
he has not the one which my friend has non habet illum, quem amicus meus habet
which candle has he? quae candela ei est?
he has the candle of his neighbour est ei candela vicini sui
he has the one that I have ei est ea (illa) quae mihi est
has he this tree or that one? utrum arborem habet hanc an illam?
he has neither this nor that, but the one which I have habet neque hanc neque illam, sed eam, quam ego habeo
which ass has the man? quem asinum habet homo?
he has the one that his boy has eum habet, quem puer eius habet
has the stranger your chair or mine? utrum peregrinus sellam habet tuam an meam?
he has neither yours nor mine, but he has his friend's good chair nec tuam nec meum habet, bonam autem amici sui sellam habet
have you the glove which I have, or the one that my tailor has? utrum habes digitabulum, quod ego habeo, an id (illud) quod sartor meus habet?
has your shoemaker my fine shoe or that of his boy? utrum sutori tuo calceus est meus pulcher an ille pueri sui?
which house has the baker? quam domum habet pistor?
he has neither yours nor mine (domus i/us f.), but that of his good brother nec tuam nec meam, sed illam fratris sui boni habet
which carriage have I? quem currum habeo?
have I mine or that of the peasant? utrum meum habeo an rustici?
have you my fine carriage? tenesne pilentum meum pulchrum?
I have not but the Frenchman has it ego non teneo sed Francogallus tenet
what has the Frenchman? quid habet Francogallo?
he has nothing nihil habet: non est ei quidquam
what has the shoemaker? quid tenet sutor?
he has something fine aliquid pulchri tenet
what has he fine? quid pulchri tenet?
he has his fine shoe calceum suum pulchrum tenet
is the shoemaker right? rectene loquitur sutor?
he is not wrong, but this neighbour the baker is right non errat, vicinus autem hicce, pistor, vere loquitur
is your horse hungry? esuritne equus tuus?
it is not hungry but thirsty non esurit sed sitit
have you my ass's hay or yours? utrum faenum habes asini mei an tuum?
I have that which my brother has habeo idem quod frater meus habet
has your friend the same horse that my brother has? habetne amicus tuus eundem equum quem frater meus habet?
has he my umbrella? tenetne umbraculum meum?
he has it not non tenet
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