U3: Instructional Outcomes and Underlying Theories (EDID6503 unit 3)


Graduate Instructional Design Flashcards on U3: Instructional Outcomes and Underlying Theories (EDID6503 unit 3), created by Annika L-M on 16/03/2015.
Annika L-M
Flashcards by Annika L-M, updated more than 1 year ago
Annika L-M
Created by Annika L-M about 10 years ago
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Resource summary

Question Answer
How would you define reproductive skills? Activities that are repetitive, automated, and involving the same procedure. Algorithm
How are productive skills defined? Activities that involve the planning of a procedure through the application of theory, general principles, and creativity. Heuristic
Distinguish between skills and knowledge Knowledge involves a combination of adding new elements to the store and reorganizing existing new elements to form new knowledge structures. Skills are developed with experience and practice
Provide examples of interactive skills both for reproductive and productive skills Reproductive skills: good manners, tone of voice, socialized behaviours Productive skills: Leadership skills, supervision, persuasion
What are the three steps in skills mastery for both reproductive and productive skills? 1. Imparting the essential knowledge content 2. Imparting the basic psychomotor skills 3. Developing proficiency
What are the five stages in the development of psychomotor skills? 1.Acquiring knowledge of what should be done 2. Executing actions in a step-by-step manner 3. Transfer control from eyes to other sense 4. Automizing the skill 5. Generalizing the skill
List the four categories that guide the principles of instruction 1. Information 2. Practice 3. Feedback 4. Transfer and generalization
For reproductive skills what teaching-learning approaches are appropriate Direct instruction
What is the ideal way to impart essential knowledge for productive skills? Using expository methods
What is the ideal way to impart psychomotor skills Using experiential methods
What are the elements discussed under the Teaching for Understanding Framework? Generative topics, understanding goals, performances of understanding, ongoing assessment, reflective collaboration communities
What does the term “multiple entry points” imply? Learning is approached through different approaches e.g. visual arts, narratives, mathematics, etc.
Why should the Teaching for Understanding Framework focus on new technologies? 1) To foster students’ understanding of important goals; 2) New technologies make curriculum more generative through a wider range of learning activities
What are the four dimensions of understanding goals within and across disciplines? 1) Knowledge; 2) Methods; 3) Purpose; 4) Forms of expression
To enhance performances of understanding, what three sequences should be incorporated? 1) Introductory performance to relate prior knowledge to new content; 2) Structure a cycle of guided practice; 3) Culminating performance to help synthesize knowledge and skills
What are the key features of effective assessment? Assessment from multiple sources, conducted frequently, embed informal assessment, assessment criteria made public
What are the key features of a reflective collaborative community? Communicative, diverse perspectives, peer assessment, discussion and analysis. Respect, reciprocity
How should generative topics be approached to enhance understanding? Gradual transition into topics, structure curriculum around generative topics
What is the best approach for integrating technology into the classroom? Through cycles of taking small steps, introducing new elements incrementally
What factors influence the way technology is integrated into instruction? Access to reliable technology, teacher and student technical expertise, ability to make effective use of their expertise
What five domains make up the taxonomy of affective outcomes proposed by Krathwohl, Bloom and Masia? Receiving, Responding, Valuing, Organizing, Characterization by value
What is the underlying problem with understanding the affective domain in instruction? The definition of the domain and concepts are very broad and often unfocused
What areas of research (disciplines) have conducted studies to refute the dualism of emotion and cognition? Neurobiology, psychiatry, research psychology
What are the five domains of emotional intelligence? 1) Knowing ones emotions; 2) managing emotions; 3) motivating oneself; 4) recognizing emotions in others; 5) handling relationships
What three instructional models have been implemented in educational settings to address emotional intelligence? 1) Emotional skill within a pedagogical approach; 2) Models that address the interrelationship between emotion and cognition to facilitate cognitive learning; 3) Programs that address emotional intelligence
Provide an example of how Merrill’s principle of problem–orientation can be applied to teach emotional intelligence Through the use of stories
When modelling the skills of emotional intelligence what aspects should the teacher pay attention to? 1) Reacting to the environment in an emotionally healthy way; 2) Teaching in an emotionally healthy way
Of gender, cultural background, and student’s home life, which external factor is most relevant to teachers but also most difficult to address? Students’ home life
When teachers are unable to control extreme disruptive behaviour in the classroom, what measures are recommended? Resorting to conventional methods like counselling psychology
What strategy is suggested for helping older students regulate their own emotional state and that of others? Express how they feel verbally, or through emotion diaries
How is theme-based instruction defined? Theme-based instruction is an approach to facilitating learning that bring s together several domains of learning to support a unifying theme
What other terms are used to refer to theme-based instruction? Integrated theme-based instruction, integrated or interdisciplinary curriculum, transdisciplinary or holistic learning
What are the common features of theme-based learning? Development of instruction for a specified curriculum, instructional goals, activities, resources, assessment tied directly to an overarching, underlying, foundational theme.
What are the advantages of using a theme-based instruction approach? Research shows that connecting instructional content and learning activities can improve student learning. A theme-based approach to instruction is a more natural way to learn.
What are the two important theoretical foundations that guide theme-based instruction? Brain-based educational research and multiple intelligence theory
What branch of brain-based research is most relevant to theme-based instruction? Pattern making through meaningful problem solving
What five principles guide theme-based instruction? 1. Intelligence is a function of experience 2. Learning is an inseparable partnership between brain and body 3. There are multiple intelligences or ways of solving problems and/or producing products 4. Learning is a two-step process: i) Pattern seeking or meaning making through problem solving, and ii) Developing a mental program for using what we understand and wiring it into long term memory 5. Personality impacts learning and performance.
What ten types of intelligences does Gardner propose? 1. Logical-mathematical; 2. Linguistic 3. Spatial; 4. Bodily-kinesthetic 5. Musical; 6. Intrapersonal 7. Interpersonal; 8. Naturalist 9. Existential; 10. Spiritual
What are the fundamental principles in theme-based instructional theory? 1) Unifying theme; 2) focus on learning goals; 3) Variety in instructional method; 4) useful instructional resources; 5) Evaluation using authentic assessment
What situationalities affect how theme-based instruction is implemented? 1) Administrative structures; Adapting instruction to individual learners; 3) Amount of interdisciplinary integration
Define: Knowledge The cluster of skills, abilities, habits, character traits, knowledge one must have in order to perform a job well
Define: Skill The quality of a person being able to perform a given task
Define: Competence Information of which a person, organization, or other entity is aware.
Define: Ability The capacity to perform a given type of task or activity with a given degree of effectiveness, efficiency, speed, or other measure of quantity or quality. Typically classified according to execution and management of performance
Define the following term related to skills: Reproductive skills Reproductive skills are activities that are repetitive and largely automatic
Define the following term related to skills: Productive skills Activities that involve planning or a procedure appropriate to the specific situation through the application of theory, general principles, and creativity
List the four domains of skills Cognitive skills, psychomotor skills, reactive skills, interactive skills
List four points that are important for a topic to be considered generative to foster understanding outcomes Generative topics are: 1. connected to multiple important ideas within and across academic disciplines, domains, and subject matters. 2. framed in authentic, accessible interesting ways related to experience. 3. approached from multiple entry points 4. framed in ways that generates and rewards continuous inquiry
To be successful in fostering understanding, what aspects must be addressed in assessment? 1. Assessment is most valuable when conducted often and when it suggestions for improvement in teaching and students’ work. 2. Embed informal assessments during learning for example informal observations and formal assessment activities using structured rubrics 3. Assessments should come from multiple sources promote understanding 4. Assessment criteria should be made public 5. Involve students in developing and applying assessment rubrics to help them understand the criteria of quality work
One of the domains of emotional intelligence according to Goleman is that is a better indicator of life success than cognitive intelligence. True or False? False. The five domains noted by Goleman are: 1. Knowing one’s emotions 2. Managing emotions 3. Motivating oneself 4. Recognizing emotions in others 5. Handling relationships
List two ways to engage in instruction for emotional intelligence i. Through a school or district-wide program to develop emotional competence ii. Teacher acting individually in their own classroom to develop emotional competence
What is one important precondition that must be met for theme-based approaches to be successful? The type and amount of administrative structure in the learning system. A supporting structure will encourage flexibility and creativity. A restrictive climate will hinder teachers from being creative.
How can yearlong themes in theme-based approaches be applied to the curriculum? The theme should be comprehensive, tie to the curriculum standards and also engage the students in their daily lives. The theme can be organized into major curricular components that are interrelated to topics throughout the school year.
How can multilevel instruction be applied to theme-based instruction? Multilevel instruction refers to instructional settings where students with different level levels of knowledge on the subject, different age level are working on different tasks to meet the same learning goals. Therefore multilevel instruction is important to meeting the individual needs or learning styles of the different students using different resources, thus providing them with multiple ways to learn.
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1 comment

over 8 years ago
Nice question. Very much useful for outcome based. http://www.creatrixcampus.com/higher-education


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