Poole and Lindsay EWT and Age.


A Levels. Psychology Flashcards on Poole and Lindsay EWT and Age., created by Khashayar Khani on 21/03/2015.
Khashayar Khani
Flashcards by Khashayar Khani, updated more than 1 year ago
Khashayar Khani
Created by Khashayar Khani over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Poole & Lindsay Aim : To asses whether children are able to source monitor.
Participants 3-8 year old children
Procedure : Shown science demonstration Parents then read them a story They were then questioned about the science experiment and where they got their information from.
Findings : Younger children are unable to source monitor.
Cons : Difficult to eliminate extraneous variables compared to a controlled environment. I.e the family story may be a different experience for each child. The children may not fully understand the instructions/questions and may not be paying attention.
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