CMIS 351 Lesson 11 Structure, Governance, and Ethics


Training and Development Manager CMIS 351 Flashcards on CMIS 351 Lesson 11 Structure, Governance, and Ethics, created by Adriana Vincelli-Joma on 09/06/2020.
Adriana Vincelli-Joma
Flashcards by Adriana Vincelli-Joma, updated more than 1 year ago
Adriana Vincelli-Joma
Created by Adriana Vincelli-Joma over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
IT Department Organization -technology office -operations -development -outsourcing relations
Technology Office -investigates new IS technologies and determines how org. can benefit from them -headed by Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Operations -manages computing infrastructure -includes system and network administrators
Development -manages projects that acquire new ISs and maintains existing ISs -staffed by business analysts and/or systems analysts who work with users, operations, and vendors
Outsourcing Relations -monitors service levels and focuses on developing good relations with outsourcing vendors -includes data administration
Data Administration -protect data and info. assets by establishing data standards and data management practices and policies
Examples of Jobs in Mid-sized Orgs. -Chief Technology Officer (CTO) -Chief Information Officer (CIO) -Enterprise Architect (EA) -Project Manager (PM) -Quality Assurance (QA) Test Engineer -Programmer/Developer -Business Analyst -Systems Analyst
CTO -head of technology group -identifies which ideas and products are most relevant to org.
CIO -principal manager of IT department -vice president of information services -director of information services -director of computer services
enterprise architect -manage and document the technological infrastructure of the firm
project manager -initiate, plan, manage, monitor, and close down projects
quality assurance test manager -develop test plans, design and write automated test scripts, perform testing
programmer/developer -design and write computer programs
business analyst -develop business case for newly proposed system and develop requirements for system
systems analyst -understand business and technology -active throughout systems development process and play key role in moving project from conception to conversion and maintenance -integrate work of programmers, tester, and users
IT architecture -basic framework for all computers, systems, and info. management that support organizational services
Why do organizations need IT architecture? -important when considering mergers, acquisitions, divestiture, or rapid growth -defining architecture first step in understanding how ISs support business goals and objectives
Alignment -process of matching organizational objectives with IT architecture
Why is it difficult for orgs. to align IT planning and organizational objectives? -develop climate supporting sharing of domain knowledge and common business practices -facilitate communication between business and IT executives
Governance -using committee to: * decide on expectations for performance *authorize appropriate resources and power *meet expectations, *verify whether expecations have been met -consistent, cohesive management policies and verifiable internal processes for IT and related services
IS Governance -reporting structures -review processes -improve quality -reduce service costs and delivery time -reduce IT risks -better support business processes
IS Audit -examination and verification of company's info. resources used to collect, store, process, and retrieve info. (IS policies and procedures)
Why are IS audits important to organizations? -requires employees at all levels of org. to become familiar with issues facing IT management -increased exposure to IT issues improves ability of orgs. to use IT more efficiently and effectively
IS Ethics -concern for people whose lives can be affected by our actions -about people involved in system, not hardware and software
IS ethical principles -UN Declaration of Human Rights -Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms -Association of Computing Machinery's code of ethics
Green IT/Green Computing -using IT resourcees to better support triple bottom line for orgs. -considers effects of choices on people and environment
Green IT goals -improve energy efficiency -promote recyclability -reduce use of materials that are hazardous to environment
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