Mathematical Terms


Functional Skills Maths Flashcards on Mathematical Terms, created by Lisa Few on 12/06/2020.
Lisa Few
Flashcards by Lisa Few, updated more than 1 year ago
Lisa Few
Created by Lisa Few over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is place value? The value of a given digit in a number.
On a number line are the negative numbers on the left or the right? Left.
What is the index of a number? How many times the number is multiplied by itself.
What is a prime number? A whole number bigger than 1 that can be divided evenly by itself and 1.
What is BIDMAS? The order in which you calculate a mathematical problem.
When rounding a number which figure prompts you round up? 5.
What is an inverse operation? The opposite calculation e.g + and -
What is a multiple? A number that can be divided exactly by that number.
What is a factor? A whole number that divides exactly into another number.
What is an expression? A mathematical rule or relationship using numbers, letters (known as variables) and operations, but does not include an = sign.
What is a formula? A mathematical rule or relationship using numbers, letters (known as variables), operations and an = sign.
What is a fraction, decimal, percentage or ratio? A smaller proportion of a whole number.
What is the mean? The average of all the numbers in data set.
What is the median? The middle number in a data set.
What is the mode? The most frequent number represented in a data set.
What is probability? The total number of possible outcomes.
What is the perimeter? The distance around the edge of a 2D shape.
What is the circumference? The distance around the edge of a circle.
What is the area? The amount of space inside a 2D shape.
What is the volume? The amount of space inside a 3D shape.
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