AQA Dance Terminology


Important Terminology for the AQA Dance GCSE
Amy Wainwright
Flashcards by Amy Wainwright, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Natalia  Cliff
Created by Natalia Cliff over 7 years ago
Amy Wainwright
Copied by Amy Wainwright over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Unison Two or more dancers performing the same movement at the same time
Alignment Correct placement of body parts in relation to each other
Balance A steady or held position achieved by an even distribution of weight
Climax The most significant moment of a dance
Contrast Movements or shapes that have nothing in common
Control The ability to start and stop movement, change direction and hold a shape efficiently
Coordination The efficient combination of body parts
Extention Lengthening one or more muscles or limbs
Flexibility The range of movement in the joints (involving muscles, tendons and ligaments)
Highlights Important moments in a dance
Isolation An independent movement of a part of the body
Motif A movement phrase encapsulating an idea that is repeated and developed throughout the dance
Musicality The ability to make unique qualities of the accompaniment evident in performance
Posture The way the body is held
Projection The energy the dancer uses to connect with and draw in the audience
Strength Muscular power
Timing The use of time or counts when matching movements to sound and/or other dancers
Stamina Ability to maintain physical and mental energy over periods of time
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