

Types of muscle cells and what they do.
Teacher Scott
Flashcards by Teacher Scott, updated more than 1 year ago
Teacher Scott
Created by Teacher Scott over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Smooth muscle
Cardiac muscle
Skeletal muscle
Skeletal muscle is ___________. (voluntary / Involuntary) voluntary
Smooth muscle is _______________. (voluntary / involuntary) involuntary
Cardiac muscle is ______________. (voluntary / involuntary) involuntary
Smooth muscle is located in the _________ of internal organs. walls
Cardiac muscle cells form the walls and partitions of what internal organ? Heart
The skeletal muscle is attached or connected to the _____________. skeleton
How many muscles are there in the human body? 600
Muscles enable us to: m__ __ __ __ w__ __ __ __ p__ __ __ t__ __ __ __ s__ __ h__ __ __ __ e__ __ move work play talk see hear eat
Muscles p__ __ __ __ __ __ the vital organs. protect
Muscles help move __ __ __ __ , waste, blood and other body fluids from place to place. food
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