Cutting Edge Advanced Unit 7 Vocabulary


C1 CEAdvanced Flashcards on Cutting Edge Advanced Unit 7 Vocabulary, created by valentina920301 on 19/04/2015.
Flashcards by valentina920301, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by valentina920301 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
twee very pretty, in a way that you find unpleasant and silly
vintage typical of a period in the past and of high quality
sleek smooth and shiny
stark looking severe and without any colour or decoration
minimal very small in size or amount; as small as possible
over-the-top done to an exaggerated degree and with too much effort
garish very brightly coloured in an unpleasant way
frumpy a woman who wears clothes that are not fashionable
tacky cheap, badly made and/or lacking in taste
a connotation an idea suggested by a word in addition to its main meaning
contemporary belonging to the present time
unconvetional not following what is done or considered normal or acceptable by most people; different and interesting; необикновен, необичаен
whatsoever used to say that it does not matter what somebody does, or what happens, because the result will be the same
boxy having a square shape
stiletto a woman's shoe with a very high narrow heel; the heel on such a shoe
clean-cut looking neat and clean and therefore socially acceptable
refined polite, well-educated and able to judge the quality of things; having the sort of manners that are considered typical of a high social class
brash confident in an aggressive way
exorbitant (of a piece) much too high
in this instance в този случай
scruffy dirty or untidy in appearance
hideous very ugly or unpleasant
a kitten a young cat
navel the small hollow part or lump in the middle of the stomach where the umbilical cord was cut at birth
cuddly soft and designed to be cuddled
psychedelic very brightly coloured and have big unusual patterns
lime green lemon
flashy attracting attention by wearing expensive clothes, etc.
well-cut (of clothes) made well and therefore probably expensive
a cloak a type of coat that has no sleeves, fastens at the neck and hangs loosely from the shoulders, worn especially in the past
a shoulder pad a small piece of thick cloth that is sewn into the shoulder of a dress, jacket, etc. to make a person's shoulders look bigger
an ankle sock a type of very short sock
leggings trousers/pants for women that fit tightly over the legs, made of cloth tat stretches easily
jumpsuit a piece of clothing that consists of trousers/pants and a jacket or shirt sewn together in one piece, worn especially by women
a corset a piece of women's underwear, fitting the body tightly, worn especially in the past to make the waist to look smaller
a ponytail a bunch of hair tied at the back of the head so that it hangs like a horse's tail
to weaken to make somebody/something less strong or powerful; to become less strong or powerful
an excess more than is necessary, reasonable or acceptable
a pannier metal cages around the women's dresses in the past
lavish large in amount, or impressive, and usually, costing a lot of money
powdered covered with powder
a contender a person who takes a part in a competition or tries to win something
to restrict to limit the size, amount or range of something
a miscarriage the process of giving birth to a baby before it is fully developed and able to survive; an occasion when this happens
recurrent that happens again and again
a garment a piece of clothing
a hobble skirt a skirt which is tied around the lower part of the legs and impedes the wearer's stride
to mimic to copy the way somebody speaks, moves, behaves, etc., especially in order to make other people laugh
a catwalk the long stage that models walk on during a fashion show
a cart a vehicle with two or four wheels that is pulled by a horse and used for carrying loads
dainty small and delicate in a way that people find attractive
pretentious trying to appear important, intelligent, etc., in order to impress other people; trying to be something that you are not, in order to impress
a labourer a person whose job involves hard physical work that is not skilled, especially work that is done outdoors
undergarment a piece of underwear
meggings leggings for men
to reckon to think, to believe
to force to make somebody do something that they do not want to do
for the sake of in order to get or keep something
a lookout a person who has the responsibility of watching for something, especially danger, etc, наблюдател
an onlooker a person who watches something that is happening but is not involved in it, зрител, случаен свидетел
a lookalike a person who resembles a famous person
to give someone a dirty look to look at somebody in a way that shows you are annoyed with them
to look up to someone to admire or respect somebody
a sound bite a short comment, taken from a political speech
to sound off to express strong opinions in an angry way
on top of the world to feel happy and well
to have mixed feelings to have both positive and negative emotions about something
to feel free to tell people they have the permission to do something
to feel your way to do things slowly and carefully because you are unfamiliar with a situation
to resemble to look like or be similar to another person or thing
artificially изкуствено
look before you laep used to advise somebody to think about the possible results or dangers of something before doing it
to perceive to notice or become aware of something
a rapper a person who sings rap songs
a talent spotter a person who is looking for talents in the showbusiness
a label a company that produces and sells music, CDs, etc.
to rewind to go back, to return
to laugh something off to try to make people think that something is not serious or important, especially by making a joke about it
to conform to to behave an think in the same way as most other people in a group or society
unsigned not having a contract with a company or team
outrageous very shocking and unacceptable
an audition a short performance given by an actor, a singer, etc., so that somebody can decide whether they are suitable to act in a play, sing in a concert, etc.
hindsight the understanding that you have of a situation only after it has happened and that means you would have done things in a different way
a guarantor a person who agrees to be responsible for somebody or for making sure that something happens or is done
a price tag a label on something that shows how much you must pay
monstrous considered to be shocking and unacceptable because it is morally wrong or unfair
stunning extremely attractive or impressive
ghastly very bad; unpleasant
to declare to say something officially or publicly
disgraceful very bad or unacceptable; that people should feel ashamed about
bewildering making you feel confused because there are too many things to choose from or because something is difficult to understand
plonk cheap wine that is not of good quality
agreeable pleasant and easy to like
rounded having a wide variety of qualities that combine to produce something pleasant, complete and balanced
turquoise greenish-blue in colour
to snap up a bargain да направя изгодна сделка
to misread to understand somebody/something wrongly
to appreciate to be grateful for something that somebody has done; to welcome something
a soul mate a person that you have a special friendship with because you understand each other's feelings and interests
a gravestone a stone that is put on a grave in a vertical position , showing the name, etc. of the person buried there
flat no longer having bubbles in it; not fresh
to recall to remember
to collocate to be often used together in a language
fundamentally in every way that is important; completely
a monstrousity something that is very large and very ugly, especially a building
creep a person that you dislike very much and find very unpleasant
tedious lasting too long and not interesting
gross very unlpeasant
to rant an act of speaking or complaining about something in a loud and/or a long time
infuriating making you extremely angry
to rave to talk or write about something in a very enthusiastic way
odd strange or unusual
a beat the main rhythm, or a unit of rhythm, in a piece of music, a poem, etc.
verbal relating to words
to bribe to give somebody money or something valuable in order to persuade them to help you, especially by doing something dishonest
a worship a strong feeling of love and respect for somebody/something
an offside in some sports, for example football, a player is offside if he or she is in a position, usually ahead of the ball, that is not allowed
a pivilege a special right or advantage that a particular person or group of people has
a riot a situation in which a group of people behave in a violent way in a public place, often as a protest
an asset a person or thing that is valuable or useful to somebody/something
to idolise to admire or love somebody very much
grumpy bad-tempered
an auditorium the part of a theatre, concert hall, etc. in which the audience sits
to say the least without exaggerating at all
adequate enough in a quantity, or good enough in a quality, for a particular purpose or need
spacios large and with plenty of space for people to move around in
its big selling point a feature of something that makes people want to buy or use it
complimentary given free
a reservation a feeling of doubt about a plan or an idea
to pack up to stop doing something, especially a job
free of charge without payment
to resolve to find an acceptable solution to a problem or difficulty
a junior deluxe room of a higher quality and more expensive than usual
a flaw a crack or fault in something that makes it less attractive or valuable
a spy a person who tries to get secret information about another country, organisation or person, especially somebody who is employed by a government or the police
a fate the power that is believed to control everything that happens and that cannot be stopped or changed
gripping exciting or interesting in a way that keeps your attention
clunky heavy and awkward
mesmerising to have such a strong effect on you that you cannot give your attention to anything else
wide of the mark not accurate
nonetheles despite this fact
standout very noticeable because of being better, more impressive, etc. than others in a group
to acclaim to praise or welcome somebody/something publicly
coincidental happening by chance; not planned
frankly in a honest and direct way that people might not like
utter used to emphasize how complete something is
a feature something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing
vibrant full of life and energy
shallow not showing serious thought, feelings, etc. about something
denim a type of strong cotton cloth that is usually blue and is used for making clothes, especially jeans
trendy very fashionable
conceivably that you can imagine or believe
to complement to add to something in a way that improves it or makes it more attractive
to drain to make something empty or dry by removing all the liquid from it
to set aside to move something to one side until you need it
to chop to cut something into pieces with a sharp tool such as a knife
a clove one of the small separate sections of a bulb of garlic
courgette a long vegetable with dark green skin and white flesh
to stir to mix
to squeeze to get liquid out of something by pressing or twisting it hard
to season to add salt, pepper, etc. to food in order to give it more flavour
ground cut, chopped or crushed into very small pieces or powder
ciabatta a type of Italian bread made in a long flat shape; a sandwich made with this type of bread
to misinterpret to understand something/somebody wrongly
to misquote to repeat what somebody has said or written in a way that is not correct
to club together if two or more people club together, they each give an amount of money and the total is used to pay for something
keep up with the Joneses to try to have all the possessions and social achievements that your friends and neighbours have
to crave out извайвам
to tower over to be much higher or taller than the people or things that are near
a proverb a well known phrase or sentence that gives advice or says something, or says something, or things generally true
apathy the feeling of not being interested in or enthusiastic about something, or things in general
stubbornly in a way that shows you are determined not to change your opinion or attitude
ornate covered with a lot of decoration especially when this involves very small or complicated designs претрупан, натруфен
hectic very busy; full of activity оживен, активен
conceivably that you can imagine or believe може би, евентуално
contented satisfied доволен
to forge to develop, to work hard
to opt for to choose, to make a decision
an overtone оттенък
a divorcee a person whose marriage has been legally ended, especially a woman
an overhaul щателен преглед
frankness the quality of being honest and direct in what way you say, sometimes in a way that other people might not like
gleefully in a happy way because of something good you have done or something bad that has happened to somebody else
to quiz to ask somebody a lot of questions about something in order to get information from them
statuesque tall and beautiful like statue изваян
a pursuit desire стремеж, желание
sartorial related to clothes шивачески, шивашки
to trawl to look for something
a flea market an outdoor market that sells second-hand (= old or used) goods at low prices бит пазар
boldness the quality of being brave and confident and not being afraid to say what you feel or to take risks
a sloppy joe loose sweater (informal)
exposure излагане
eclectic еклектичен
to get by to have just enough of something
a padding подплънка
a dock the part of a court where the person who has been accused of a crime stands or sits during a trial
to extract to remove or obtain a substance from something, for example by using an industrial or a chemical process
profusely produced in a large amounts
an allegation a public statement that is made without giving proof, accusing somebody of doing something that is wrong or illegal
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