Study Techniques


Expert Recommendations
Tammy Jones
Flashcards by Tammy Jones, updated more than 1 year ago
Tammy Jones
Created by Tammy Jones about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Study without Distractions Quiz yourself on important concepts
Take time to understand charts, diagrams, maps, and other images in your reading assignments. At the beginning of each study session, review your notes from the previous study session.
Take notes by making an organized outline of main ideas. Take notes as a visual mind map—use webs and arrows to show connections
Use flash cards to quiz yourself, covering your notes and recalling their main ideas Try the read-out-loud function of your ebooks and use a read-outloud app for your other reading assignments (be sure to pause frequently to take notes!).
Read or study while walking on a treadmill, walking around the room, or rocking in a chair. Create drawings or diagrams to make mental images.
Listen to instrumental music with a strong rhythm. Discuss your learning with someone to be sure you can explain the main ideas out loud. Have a buddy read the test questions out loud to you.
Read difficult sections of the content out loud. Use hand gestures or act it out—no one’s watching! Experience new study techniques to see which works best for you.
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