House vocabulary


Learn new vocabulary for the house
Genesis PJ
Flashcards by Genesis PJ, updated more than 1 year ago
Genesis PJ
Created by Genesis PJ about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
We sweep the floor with the ___________ broom
We sleep in a _________ bed
She puts the books in a __________ bookshelf
I use the ________________ to do the laundry. washing machine
I hang the clothes on a ___________ clothes line
I vacuum the rug with a ___________ vacuum
I iron the clothes with an ________ iron
He cleans up the toilet with a __________ toilet brush
I wash the dishes in the __________. sink
We put food in the __________ Fridge
You mop the floor with the _________. mop
I use a _________ to drink chocolate. mug
You eat the soup with a __________. spoon
I use a _____________ to cut the vegetables. cutting board
We eat in the _____________, that is in the dining room. dining table
You put the dirty clothes in the ___________. hamper
I use _________ to make rice. pots
I dust the knicknacks with a ___________. duster
The clean clothes go in the ___________. closet
You cook the food in the ____________. stove
I need a _________ to mop the floor. bucket
We use ___________ to cut the meat. knives
We seat on the ____________. sofa
I make cakes in the ___________. oven
I use my ___________ to heat the food. microwave
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