Teaching and Learning


Teaching and learning using ICT
Flashcards by jamesbolt007, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jamesbolt007 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Distance learning? Learning from the home using the internet.
What is video conferencing? Using face-to-face webcams to allow people from different locations to chat and learn.
What is eLearning? Online quizzes that test participants on a particular subject.
What are Chat rooms? Open websites where anyone can go to ask questions or sometimes answer them, e.g Wiki Answers.
What are features of software packages? These can be any kind of multimedia used within software. e.g using sound or a video in a presentation to teach.
What is a revision programme? Mulitmedia software to help revise a topic e.g BBC Bitesize
What is Authoring software? Software that teachers can use to create tutorials and quizzes for students.
What is an advantage of Distance learning? Users can fit in learning around their own personal lives.
What is a disadvantage of Distance learning? Some people will miss out on the social aspect of going to school/university.
What is an advantage of Video conferencing? Money and time is saved because there is no need to travel to get to the lecture/lesson.
What is a disadvantage of Video conferencing? A good internet connection is required on both ends to be able to allow a stable sound and video.
What is an advantage of eLearning? You can get instant feedback from online quizzes in order to improve on bad areas.
What is a disadvantage of eLearning? Some people miss out on having a teacher give them personal feedback. A teacher can go into greater detail than a computer.
What is an advantage of using Chat rooms? It is convenient as you can do it from the comfort of your own home.
What is a disadvantage of using Chat rooms? Chat rooms need to be moderated to prevent problems.
What is an advantage of features of software packages? Sound and videos are a good way to make a topic more engaging.
What is a disadvantage of features of software packages? They can require more demanding storage.
What is an advantage of revision programmes? Online revision can use engaging videos and games, whereas paper revision cannot.
What is a disadvantage of revision programmes? If the web server crashes then you are unable to access it.
What is an advantage of authoring software? No programming is needed so educational resources can be quickly produced.
What is a disadvantage of authoring software? It is limited in what features are available.
What else other than learning can ICT be used for in a school? Registration
What is OMR? Optical Mark Recognition is when a teacher shades in either an absent of present box which is then processed by a computer to note the attendance of students.
What are RFID tags? Radio frequency identification tags are a tag which is read autimatically by a sensor when a student enters the school.
What are smart cards? A smart card is a card with a chip inside which contains a students data. It requires the student to swipe the card on a reader when they entre school.
What is a retina scan? A scanner which recognises the pubils by their eye. The student would scan their eye on entry.
What is an advantage of OMR? Less risk of transcription errors as the information is read rather then entered.
What is a disadvantage of OMR? Students could edit the mark made by the teacher by using a rubber and a pencil.
What is an advantage of RFID tags? The card does not have to be taken out of the pocket or bag in order to be recognised.
What is a disadvantage of RFID tags? The student must remember to bring their tag to school every day.
What is an advantage of smart cards? They are versatile and can hold much data e.g canteen payments.
What is a disadvantage of smart cards? A student can bring an absent students card with them and register them as present.
What is an advantage of retina scanning? Students do not need to bring anything with them and they cannot swipe anything when their friends are not present.
What is a disadvantage of retina scanning? Retina scanning is a form of biometrics which can be very expensive.
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