COSC Internet Review - Starred


week 2 starred review
kalli Van Stone
Flashcards by kalli Van Stone, updated more than 1 year ago
kalli Van Stone
Created by kalli Van Stone about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
3 parts of communication 1. shared medium 2. common language 3. protocol
5 internet layers 1. application 2. transport 3. network 4. link 5. physical
IP Address internet protocol unique identifier (# for each device accessing internet)
Domain name text name for IP Address. Organized hierarchically.
WWW App on top of internet: displays/transmits documents (webpages)
Webpage document w/ markup to display graphically on web browser (hyperlinks)
TCP/IP structure/language/protocol between computer + internet
How TCP/IP works info broken into packets, containing 1. source/dest IPA 2. data 3.sequence #, receiver assembles packets using sequence #
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