Religion and Community cohesion


Unit 1 - Section 4
Flashcards by Niha, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Niha over 9 years ago

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Religion and Community Cohesion Unit 1 - Section 4
How have the women roles changed? 1) Normally, a women's role was to stay at home and look after kids. 2) During world wars, women took jobs of men. 3) 1918 - some allowed to vote 4) 1945 - Many wanted equality and end to sexism 5) 1970 - Women given rights to equal pay
How have the Men's roles changed? 1) Traditionally, men's role was to go out and work to provide for the family. 2) Now, they take a more active job in the raising of kids. 3) Men are willing taking the roles of women; i.e cooking.
How and why have men and women's roles changed? 1) Women can vote and become MPs - Due to changes in law 2) Women can do any job they want - Due to change in law; effect of wars 3) Women more educated - Effective contraception; equal rights legislation 4) Men and more involved in childcare and home life - Due to changes in attitudes
Are men and women equal now? - Both have equal rights - BUT inequalities still exist; nursing seen as female - Girls are getting better grades - BUT surveys show men still get 17% more than women for same job - WHY? Many blame it on women leaving to have children for some time. Some blame it on discrimination and prejudice.
What are the reasons NOT to accept women as Church leaders? 1) Bile states women should obey their husbands 2) Bible says women should be silent in Church 3) All of Jesus' disciples were men 4) Jesus left Church in care of St Peter and he was a man 5) In the past women were regarded as inferior because of Adam and Eve (Eve was sinful)
What are the reasons to ACCEPT women as Church leaders? 1) Bible says 'God created men and women and his own image' 2) Jesus didn't discriminate; he talked and taught both 3) Women followers were treated well by Jesus and it was women who stayed by the cross and were first to see him after resurrection. 4) There is evidence of women leaders in the early church 5) Golden rule - everyone should be respected.
How to different Christians interpret the Bible? - Some believe Bible is exact words of God. So it can't be changed or avoided. Taken literally. - Some believe Bible is written down by humans so reflects the view of those at that time - Others believe Bible is a moral guidance but has to be adapted to fit today's society
What do Muslims believe that are women's roles? 1) Have to have children 2) Expected to look after home and children 3) Should dress appropriately in loose clothing 4) Don't have to attend Mosque 5) Worship separately to men 6) Are fee to work
What are men's role in Islam? 1) Qur'an teaches men should protect women 2) Provide for wife and kids 3) Dress appropriately in loose clothing and covered from navel to knee 4) Have to attend Mosque 5) Worship separately to women
What do Muslims believe about women rights? They believe that Allah created all humans equal but not the same. They are seen to have different roles and responsibilities.
What are the problems in a multi ethnic society like Uk? 1) Ignorance - being uneducated or uninformed about others 2) Racism - belief that some ethnic group are superior to others 3) Discrimination - treating someone differently because of previously held prejudices. 4) Persecution - because of racism, many people from ethnic minorities have had their human rights abused because of colour or nationality
What are the benefits of a multi ethnic society? 1) Encourages racial harmony - everyone understand each other 2) Gives wider variety of music, food, clothes and culture 3) Brings new people with fresh ideas
What is community cohesion? - Different communities living together - Sharing a common vision and a sense of belonging - Appreciating and valuing the differences between people - Making strong and positive relationships between people - Ensuring equal opportunities for all
What has the government done to prevent racial discrimination? 1) Race relations Act 1976 - made it unlawful to discriminate 2) Made it illegal to abusive word of a racial nature in public 3) Commission for Racial Equality - to fight racism, teach the importance of racial equality 4) 'Britishness' test - all immigrates take a test to ensure they know basic knowledge of Britain life
Why Christians should promote racial harmony? 1) Through the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus taught that people follow God's command and love one another 2) Golden rule 3) Through doing this they are putting their teachings into practice.
What did Dr Martin Luther King Jr (1929 - 1968) do? - Worked for equality for black people in USA - Put Christian principles of helping others and treating other equally into action - Thanks to his work, black people were given equal rights in 1965
Why do Muslims promote Racial harmony? 1) Allah created all humans 2) The Prophet said in his last sermon 'there is no difference between Arabs and non-Arabs' 3) All races are loved by Allah 4) Prophet Muhammad said all people descended from Adam and Eve 5) The Qur'an teaches no race is better than any other 6) All Muslims are part of Ummah and come from every race in the world
How do Muslims promote Unity? 1) They pray together in Arabic 2) All fast during the month of Ramadan 3) All pray facing Makkah 4) Muslims from all over the world make the pilgrimage (Hajj) to the holy city
Who is Malcolm X and what did he do? - African-American Muslim who campaigned for racial equality after his family was attacked - Became a minister for radical Nation of Islam organisation and spread the message that said state should be established for black people alone - Believed Hajj was the greatest example of racial harmony - Continued to campaign after leaving Nation of Islam
What are the benefits of living in a multi faith society? 1) Greater tolerance and understanding of the beliefs of others 2) Varied and rich cultural life from experiencing the religions and traditions of others 3) Better understanding of others viewpoints 4) New ways of living and enjoying life
What are the problems with living in a multi faith society? 1) It is not always easy to be open and understanding towards the views of others 2) There have been examples of religious persecution and hatred. 3) Religious tension exists between different faith groups 4) Beliefs and values of some groups may be ignored
What are the 3 things religious people believe about multi faith society in UK? 1) Exclusivism - Only one religion is right and members of this right faith should try to convert others 2) Inclusivism - Only one religion is completely right but other religions may lead to God and should be respected. However, they are encouraged to change faith 3) Religious pluralism - Many different religions lead to God so all should be respected and treated equally
What are the issues raised with multi faith society? 1) Conversion - One try to convert another to their faith which could cause conflicts 2) Raising children - Both want different things for the child and child could be confused with the mixture of beliefs. 3) Interfaith marriages - Could cause conflicts between families.
What do people need to do to live peacefully together? - Listen to each other - Respect differences - Recognise common features between faiths - Share values - Learn to live in unity
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