WYNTK last one Hunter Ristau


Hunter Ristau
Flashcards by Hunter Ristau, updated more than 1 year ago
Hunter Ristau
Created by Hunter Ristau over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Amendment This is where theyhave canges to the USA constusion. For example the 14th amenment got ride of slavery.
Assimilate Thsi is to take in informason.
Bias This is when some one is more for one ssdie than the other side.
Bicameral This was the great compermise. Which made the house of Rep. and the sente.
Blockade This was sed in the civil war and did not let ships that the south need to use in to where they wanted. Thiis was oostly used by the north then.
Boomtown This was a towm that was poor an them got lots of money out of the blue and became rich.
Capitalism This is the socil class that is used by the USA. This will let computeson happen and we all don't get the same amount of money.
Captain of Industery This is the people who did not care about money and just wanted the best thing for the company.
Checks and Balances This what the US govement will do to make sure that the other parts don't get as powerful.
Congress This is the legislative branch that make up the law and that they can over ride VETOS make by the president.
Due Process of law This part of the US bill of Right that gives a the right for us to get the same cort systeam and get it fast as it can be.
Economics This is the production of things hand how much they are getting of this thing.
Emancipate This is the freedom of bonged that the slaves got
Enfranchise To give the right to vote
Enumerated to mention the separatey as if counting
Federalism the government power divided
Forty-nines a person that went to the west during the gold rush
Free Enterprise a economic system
Habeus Corpus The legal thing that will not let the government hold you
Industry Using factory to make things
Judicial This is one of the the 3 branch's of government
KKK This is a race group that is made up of wight male southerner
Manifest destiny This is the USA think that god wants us to expanded west ward.
Martyr Some one that will die for religious beliefs
Monopoly Control over the prize of something then drop and control the market and not let the little people to play
Nomadic This is the people that have real home because they have to move so much
override This is power that can put a veto bill. This will make it a law
Popular Sovereignty This is the power that the people give the government and that we can take it away.
Ratify This is can to a law or to anything
Radical This is a person how has different views on something.
Republicanism This is one of the two main parties in the government.
Robber Baron This is people in the south that where for the north and did not like the south ways of things.
Rural This is where there are not lots of things and farms and there are no cities.
Separation of powers This is part of how the government works.
Social Darwinism The strong the people the better they will last.
Suffrage To give the right to vote
Supreme court This is part of the judicial branch
Tariff The duties of taxs.
Taxation without representation This is when you have to pay taxes and you get no say in the government.
Trade Union This is a work union that wants to get good pay and outhr things
Urban This is the "big" city or where there are lots of people.
Veto To not approve.
Thomas Jefferson He was the 3rd president of the USA and was a sinner of the declaration of independents.
Thomas Jefferson He was one of the sinner if the decuason of independents and the 3rd president.
Andrew Jackson This is the person that gave the orders for the indian removal act. He was known as a class A racist. He was also the 7th president.
Sacagawea She was a indian woman that was on the expression. She new the land.
James K. Polk This was the 11th president of the USA. He was known a Mr. Manifest destiny. Because he go so much land for the USA.
Frederick Dougless He was an ex-slave that had gotten out. He worked or the liderater and work hard are his book.
Harriet Beecher Stowe She was the wighter of Uncles Toms Caben.
John Brown He was a person that was considered to be a martyr because he went in to a base and killed lots of people.
Robert E. Lee He was going to be the head general of the union army in the civil war but he was more loyal to his state then the USA.
Andrew Johnson He was the 17th president he was put in when lincoln was killed and he was democracy and was with he south. HE did not want to make the south suffer.
Susan B. Anthony This was on off the main woman that want woman rights to vote and the same stuff.
Sitting Bull He was an indian who worried the wights about their dance that would say they would try to get rid of you
George Cluster He was in the USA army and went to west point to be last in his class
Cornelius Vanderbelt He made all of his money from the railroads
John Rockerfller Made his money from the oil. Has a center in New York.
Andrew Carnage Made his money from making cheap steel which lets us have skyscrapers
James town WAs the 1st british settlement in the USA.
Plymouth The 1st sentiment for the new land the people came for religious freedom.
Lexington and concord This is one of the 1st battles in the revolutionary war they meet for the 1st time and it was at night
Erie Canal This is man made river the was 363 miles long from albany to lake erie.
The alamo This is where lost of people that wanted to stay safe from the mexicans when they came to get them but most to all died.
Harpers Ferry This is where John brown went on his killing sepey.
Fort Summter This is where the 1st battle of the USA civil war. None died from this
Gettysburg This is the battle in the civil war that ha the most deaths.
Appomattox Courthouse This is where the US civil war ended
Fords Therater This is where Abe was shot.
Promontory Point This is where the railroad had join all together
Ellis Island and Angel Island This is the 1st place where immigrants would come to become US citizens
Declaration of Independece This is what freed us from the british empire.
Revolutionary war This is the war that we had to fight to be free from british
Articles of Confederation This is the first consultation of the USA that gave the government no power.
The Great Compromise This gave the little states the same power as the big states
Passing the conastonson There has to be approved by the states
Adding the to the bill of rights To add it will have to o to the people to be voted on
Louisiana Purchase This was the largest land sell in the world.
Missouri Compromise This is when they wanted to be a slave state this then maine wanted to be free and they made a line at the bottom of KS no states could be slave above the line
Indian Removal act This is the way that we go the indians off of there main land and moved to the west
Mexican-American war The war was over texas and if they and both Mexico and the USA wanted texas and we got more land from them
Gold Rush This was in the 1840's they where all trying to get money for them to be rich.
The homestead act This was if you lived on you land for 5 years you would get it for free.
Industrial Revolution This is when they started having city's the where they would have factories
Underground Railroad This is the ways that slaves would have way to escape.
Seneca Falls Convention This is where the 1st people that wanted to get the right to vote
Compromise of 1850 This is when they had the had the house and senate so they we have the same rep. in the govement
Kansas-Nebraska Act This is what people say mad the civil war. When both States came in free.
Dred Scott v. Sanford This is when a slave was payed for in the south then moved to a free state and thought that they he was free
Fugitive Slave Act This is when you ran away that they would take you back t your state when they found you and they could take you back to your slave owner
Bleeding Kansas This is when there was about to be war for what they wanted to have slaves and some did not want them
Civil war This is when the south went to form the CSA and they had a war over that.
Emancipation Proclamation This is when Abe made all of the slave in areas of REBELLION free
Civil war draft riots This is when they would have to pay like $200 not to be in the war and the poor people where not happy about that they would have to take there spots
Gettysburg This is the bloodiest battle of all time in the civil war
Reconstion This is the time after the civil war that they where going to get all of the thing back in order to how they were
Civil war amendments 13th to end slavery 14th right to be a citizen 15th to vote black MALES
Trains-continalrail railroads completion This when the railroad was put together to get form one end to the outher
Indian wars This is when the Indian would not get in their land the the government gave them
Gilded age This is after the civil war and they got lots of money from making things better
Populist party This is was made for the common people it was made in Kansas
Plessy v. Ferguson This gave the blacks same but equal
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