The Principles of Psychology (BLOA, CLOA, and SCLOA)


IB DP Year 1 Psychology (PRINCIPLES) Flashcards on The Principles of Psychology (BLOA, CLOA, and SCLOA), created by cabbacje on 01/05/2015.
Flashcards by cabbacje, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cabbacje almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Human beings are social animals and have a basic need to belong SCLOA
Culture influences behaviour SCLOA
because humans are social animals, they have a social self SCLOA
people's view of the world are resistant to change SCLOA
human beings are information processors and mental processes guide behaviour CLOA
the mind can be studied scientifically by developing theories and using a number of scientific research methods CLOA
cognitive processes are influenced by social and cultural factors CLOA
behaviour can be innate because it is genetically based BLOA
animal research can provide insight into human behaviour BLOA
there are biological correlates of behaviour BLOA
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