Biology B1.3


Flashcards covering OCR 21st Century Science's Biology B1.3 Module - part 3 of 4, Testing and treating genetic disorders
Flashcards by raffia.khalid99, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by raffia.khalid99 almost 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (12)

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are disorders such as Hungtington's disease and Cystic Fibrois caused by? A faulty allele
Which of these two disorders is caused by a dominant allele? - Hungtington's disease - Cystic Fibrosis Hungtington's Disease
What are the symptoms of Hungtington's disease? -Late onset - Tremors - Clumsiness - Memory Loss - Lack of Concedntration - Mood Swings
What are the symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis? - Thick Mucus - Difficulty digesting food - Chest Infections - Difficulty breathing
What is a "carrier" of a disease? A person who carries only one recessive allele for a gene, meaning they do not have the disease themselves but they can pass it on to their children
A is the dominant, Hungtington's Disease allele. a is the healthy allele. What is the % risk of the offspring having and not having Hungtington's disease? having - 75%, not having - 25%
What is pre-implantation genetic diagnosis? -Fertility drugs are taken by a woman to allow her to release several eggs, which the doctor collects. -The eggs are fertilised in a petri dish through IVF -When these embryos reach the 8 cell stage, one cell is removed from each embryo and tested for a disease -Embryos that dont contain the faulty allele are reinserted into the uterus in hopes of producing a healthy baby
What are the ethical issues with preimplantation genetic diagnosis? -False positive/negative results -Get rid of the rest of the embryos - are embryos life? -You should love your children whether they have a disease or not
Name the benefits and risks of testing the fluid surrounding a baby's womb? Benefits - can test for genetic disorders - Can prepare for any genetic disorders - Risks- risk of miscarriage - False positive/negative results - What to do afterwards....abort?
What is predictive testing? + risks / benefits detectc genetic disorders where the symptoms develop later in life, such as Huntington’s disorder. -can be valuable to people who have no symptoms but have a family member with a genetic disorder. -can help to inform decisions about possible medical care. -no / more expensive life insurance
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