WYNTK-Last One


The very last WYNTK
Christopher Sprenger
Flashcards by Christopher Sprenger, updated more than 1 year ago
Christopher Sprenger
Created by Christopher Sprenger over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Amendment A change made to a document Ex: Bill of Rights
Bias When a person favors one thing over another thing
Blockade When you prevent someone passage to a certain place you have formed this
Capitolism The Idea of competition in economics and privately owned companies gaining money for themselves not the government
Captain of Industry A person who is very successful because he works hard and fairly. He also gives his earnings fairly and doesn't take them all for himself
Assimilate To adopt another cultures beliefs and practices as your own
Bicameral Two chambers of the legislative branch House of Rep. and Senate
Boomtown A town that quickly progresses in business and population Ex: Pittsburgh
Checks and Balances allows no one branch to become more powerful than the other by being able check them.
Congress It's another name for the legislative branch of the US government that is made up of the Senate and the House of Rep.
Due process of law Found in the 5th amendment in the Bill of Rights, due process means that no matter who you are, you get the same treatment as everyone else in the courthouse.
Economics Deals with goods and services given to people and making money. Ex: If the economy is low then there aren't enough goods to make money
Emancipated When you are given freedom.
Enfranchise To give someone the right to vote.
Enumerated Listed
Federalism The system that says there is separation between Federal, State, and Local government.
Forty-niners Prospectors who moved to California in 1849 for the Gold Rush.
Free Enterprise Says that the economy is open to anybody not just certain companies.
Habeas Corpus Says that you are entitled to the right to be seen by a judge quickly. You arn't just staying in prison for years because of Habeas Corpus.
Industry When you are a company that manufactures a good you are an industry.
Judicial The branch that interprets new laws and declares them unconstitutional if it violates the constitution.
Ku Klux Klan A white supremacist group that terrorized free African Americans during reconstruction and during the early 1900's.
Manifest Destiny The belief that all the land in what is now the US belonged to us and everyone who was on is was in our way of getting it.
Martyr A person who dies for a religious reason.
Monopoly When you own everything that has to do with one industry. Ex: Standard Oil monopoly
Nomadic When you and your group do not settle in one place but instead roam around everywhere.
Override When congress passes a bill that the president has vetoed by having a 2/3's majority is an override.
Popular Sovereignty The government is run by the people.
Ratify To approve of
Radical Not normal or crazy.
Robber Baron A wealthy person who got wealthy by being greedy and not paying their workers fair wages.
Rural A community that is in the country. Is more agriculture based.
Separation of Powers Splits up the jobs of the government into 3 branches, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.
Social Dawrwinism The theory that some people are born under better circumstances and are more successful than others in society.
Suffrage The right to vote.
Supreme Court The highest court in america/top of the judicial branch
Tariff something you have to pay when importing or exporting goods.
Taxation without representation When the government taxes the people without them having a say in what the government does.
Trade Union A group of workers who get together to force companies into giving them fair wages and working hours.
Urban A community that is based in the city and is focused more around manufacturing goods in factories/industrial work.
Veto To reject. Ex: when the president says no to a bill.
Thomas Jefferson He was the 3rd President He bought Louisiana Purchase Founding Father
Andrew Jackson First Common President was a general during the War of 1812 Was in many duels
Sacagawea Guide for Lewis and Clark
James K. Polk 11th President Gained most land for US Nicknamed Mr. Manifest Destiny
Frederick Douglass Wrote famous autobiography Was an escaped slave Avid abolitionist
Harriet Beecher Stowe Wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin Abolitionist
John Brown Violent Abolitionist Raided Harper's Ferry Federal Arsenal Responsible for lots of violence during Bleeding Kansas
Robert E. Lee General of Northern Virginia Army Surrendered at Appomattox Confederates best General
Andrew Johnson 17th President Known as Veto president White Supremacist
Susan B Anthony Women's Suffrage Leader Was at Seneca Falls Convention
Sitting Bull Native American resistance leader Defeated Gen. George Custer at battle of Little Big Horn
George Custer Major General during Indian Wars Lost battle of Little Big Horn
Cornelius Vanderbilt One of the richest men ever his company built most railways funded Vanderbilt University
John Rockefeller Richest man in history Formed Standard Oil which was the first monopoly in america
Andrew Carnegie One of the Richest men to ever live First Steel manufacturer in america First to use Bessemer Process in America
Plymouth Second colony in America Where the first Thanksgiving took place
Lexington and Concord The first official battles of the Revolutionary War
Erie Canal First Major canal in New York Made Cities like Buffalo more populated
The Alamo First battle of the war for Texas's Independance
Harpers Ferry Where the Federal Arsenal was at John Brown raided it
Fort Sumter First Battle of the Civil War Confederate Victory
Gettysburg Bloodiest battle in the Civil War
Appomattox Courthouse The place where the Civil War is considered to have been won by the union Robert E. Lee surrendered there
Ford's Theater Where Abraham Lincoln was assassinated
Promontory Point Utah Where the two sides of the Transcontinental Railroad met
Ellis Island Where most Immigrants from Europe stopped to get into the country during 1800's
Angel Island Where most Immigrants from Asia came to america from during 1800's
Declaration of Independence Letter to King George saying we were no longer under his rule
Revolutionary War The War against England for our freedom as a country
Articles of Confederation The First failed constitution that was missing the executive branch
Great Compromise allowed for the Legislative branch to be split up so one part is for the population of a state and the other is equal and everyone has two people per state.
Passing the Constitution Some people wouldn't let the constitution be passed unless a bill of rights was added so they had to promise them one.
Adding the Bill of Rights It was a couple years until the bill of rights was added and then there was peace between the federalist and anti-federalist
Louisiana Purchase Made by Thomas Jefferson. Nearly doubled the size of the United States
Missouri Compromise First Compromise on slavery. Allowed slavery in Missouri and all the rest of the states that were under it
Indian Removal Acts Forced Native Americans off their land and onto reservations
Mexican American War War between Mexico and America over the border between the two countries
California Gold Rush Gold was discovered in California 1848 and many people moved out there to mine for gold
Homestead Act Allowed Settlers to settle on an unclaimed piece of land and plant on it and it would be theirs
Industrial Revolution Where society started to become more Urban based and there were more cities.
Underground Railroad A system of houses an escaped slave would follow to get to the North or Canada
Seneca Falls Convention Was the first women's suffrage convention
Compromise of 1850 Allowed California to enter as a free state and states from now on would decide whether they were free or slave. Got rid of Mo. Comp.
Kansas-Nebraska Act Allowed Kansas and Nebraska residents to choose if they were free or slave. Gave advantage to the northern states because now there would be more of them. Started Bleeding Kansas.
Dred Scott Decision Said that slaves no matter where they were would never be free or be citizens if they were free.
Fugitive Slave Act Allowed slave owners to go to the north and get their escaped slaves back.
BleedingKansas The Result of Jayhawkers and Bushwhackers fighting over if Kansas would be a free or a slave state.
Civil War War between north and south over the issue of slavery and individual state's rights
Emancipation Proclamation During the civil war, it set slaves free who were in areas of rebellion/the southern states that succeded
Civil War draft riots Riots in major cities over the draft because the rich could buy a substitute to fight for them so the poor had to fight but the rich didn't.
Gettysburg Address After Gettysburg, Abe Lincoln went to Gettysburg to commemorate the people who fought there and to motivate all the other troops to keep fighting.
Reconstruction the time period after the civil war where the south was rebuilding and the African Americans were adjusting to being free.
Civil War Amendments All Amendments Concerning Slaves. 13th abolished slavery 14th gave citizenship to African Americans 15th gave African Americans the right to vote
Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad Was Important because now traveling was even easier and business could be done across the country.
Indian Wars Indians wanted the whites to leave them alone on their land and they didn't want to move to reservations so they fought back.
Gilded Age A time period where big business was happening and people became super wealthy.
Populist Party they represented the common man and were a third major political party.
Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court Case that said separate but equal was okay in america.
Republicanism The People are able to choose who they want to represent them.
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