Last WYNTK Flashcards Eric N


Eric Niewohner
Eric N
Flashcards by Eric N, updated more than 1 year ago
Eric N
Created by Eric N almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Amendment A change to a formal document such as the constitution.
Assimilate To understand something (ideas, information, ect.) fully.
Bias To "lean" toward one item/choice over another.
Bicameral Having two branches (of a government or legislative group) such as the House of Representatives and Senate.
Boomtown A town going through a rapid growth when resources allow it to.
Capitalism A system of government that follows "Social Darwinism." Life is a competition rather than co-operating with others.
Captain of Industry Someone who got rich during the Gilded Age by doing good things and not causing harm to others in the process.
Checks and Balances The idea in which one branch of government can't have more power over another branch of government.
Congress The House of Representatives and Senate put together make the congress. They discuss and vote on political issues.
Due Process of law No citizen can be deprived of their rights and the trial must be fair and according to the law.
Economics The social means of how goods and services / money is around the country.
Emancipated Freed from bondage
Enfranchise To give someone the right to vote.
Enumerated Mention something on by one. To establish a number of/ list of something.
Federalism The concept where there are multiple levels of government such as national government and state government.
Forty-Niners People who went to the California Gold Rush in 1849.
Free Enterprise The freedom for businesses (private) to compete for profit.
Habeas Corpus The right to a speedy trial.
Industry The production of a product.
Judicial The branch of government that controls the courts.
Blockade Sealing or blocking something off so goods and people cant get enter or leave.
Ku Klux Klan Americas first terrorist group; they were organized in the south to stop and fight black rights in America.
Manifest Destiny The belief that it was destiny for America to expand westward.
Martyr A person killed because of belief.
Monopoly When someone or some company owns a whole market in the marketplace/economy.
Nomadic Someone who doesn't stay in one place to live. They are constantly moving from place to place.
Override When a president veto's a bill, congress can still pass it as a law. This is called an override.
Popular Sovereignty Giving the power and decisions to the people and not completely to the government.
Ratify To formally approve something such as a bill.
Radical Extreme, out of the norm.
Republicanism Ruling a state as a republic with a leader chosen by popular sovereignty.
Robber baron A rich person in the gilded age that got his money mostly from "stepping" on other people to reach their goals and also by usually bad morals.
Rural Field, farm like area.
Separation of Powers Each branch of government has their own power / role in the government.
Social Darwinism The idea that the fittest will survive put into context of to days society or a social world.
Suffrage The right to vote in political elections.
Supreme Court The highest court ran by the Judicial branch.
Tariff A tax or toll on imports or on exports.
Taxation without representation When Britain was taxing Americans without Americans having a say.
Trade Union A group of workers that protest / fight for something better at the workplace.
Urban Dense Ike a city. Opposite of rural.
Veto When the president turns down a bill.
Thomas Jefferson 3rd president and the author of the Declaration of Independence.
Andrew jackson The first "common man" president. Did many bad things such as the Trail of Tears.
Sacagawea Was a "guide" on Lewis and Clark's exposition westward.
James Polk He was the president that expanded America westward to the pacific ocean.
Frederick Douglass An escaped slave that started a newspaper, wrote an autobiography, and inspired many different people on the topic of slavery.
Harriet Beecher Stowe A white American abolitionist that wrote novels such as "Uncle Tom's Cabin" to inspire people on the topic of slavery.
John Brown An abolitionist that raided Harper's Ferry for weapons to fight pro-slavery people.
Robert E. lee The best general for the confederates during the civil war.
Andrew Johnson Worst president during reconstruction. He vetoed every bill that favored the north and wanted slavery back for the south.
Susan B. Anthony Played a huge role in starting the women's suffrage movement.
Sitting Bull Led Indian tribes during the time when Americans were not at peace with Indians.
George Custer The general who decided to fight sitting bull and his tribe that he led.
Cornelius Vanderbilt One of the richest people in the gilded age. He got his money from using ships to get people to California for the gold rush.
John Rockefeller One of the richest people during the gilded age. He got his money off of a new way to refine oil.
Andrew Carnegie One of the richest people in the gilded age. He made his money off of a new and cheap way to mass produce steel.
Jamestown The very first English settlement on America.
Plymouth The second settlement on america that more religious people founded for religious freedom.
Lexington and Concord This was the first battle of the revolutionary war.
Erie Canal This canal connected Chicago and New York and allowed larger growth out west.
The Alamo Mexicans under the rule of President General Antonio López de Santa Anna attacked Texans and brutally defeated them.
Harper's Ferry Harper's Ferry was a military base that had a large amount of weapons that John Brown wanted to take to fight pro slavery people.
Fort Sumter The very first battle of the Civil War. There were no casualties but the confederate army won it.
Gettysburg The bloodies battle of the civil war was Gettysburg. It was also where Abraham Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address.
Appomattox Courthouse This is where the Union army surrendered Robert E. Lee and effectively ended the civil war.
Ford's Theater This is the place president Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.
Promontory Point, Utah This is the exact place where the two railroads that made up the trans-continental railroad met and officially completed the railroad.
Ellis Island and Angel Island These were the two places where Immigrants went to to be able to legally immigrate to America.
Declaration of Indepence A document signed July 4th, 1776 that officially declared America independent from Britain.
Revolutionary war The war between America and Britain mostly for control / independence.
Articles of Confederation This was the first, failed constitution. It can be referred to as a dog with all bark but no teeth because it couldn't enforce anything.
Great Compromise This allowed for the bicameral offices in congress, the house of representatives and the senate. It allowed to have voting be based off of population and have voting equal for all states at the same time.
Passing of the Constitution The constitution was finally passed when everyone signed it in 1776
Adding the Bill of Rights. The bill of rights are the first 10 amendments to the constitution giving more power and rights to the people.
Louisiana Purchase This is when America bought the Louisiana territory from France in 1803 for a really great deal.
Missouri Compromise This compromise ruled all states below the 36 30 line slave states and the ones above it free states while allowing Missouri to be a slave state.
Indian Removal Act Indian tribes in the Florida Territory were forced to move west to the great plains. A lot of Indians died on this trip.
Mexican American War This was a battle fought for south-west land. The Americans won and we gained the land.
California Gold Rush In 1849 gold was found in California. The news reached the east and many people headed west to strike rich.
Homestead Act Encouraged westward movement by offering 160 acres of free land.
Industrial Revolution A time period when people started to move from rural settings to urban settings because of new technology.
Underground Railroad This was a way for abolitionists to help free slaves from slavery.
Seneca Falls Convention. This was the very fist women's rights convention and it was big in the suffrage movement.
Compromise of 1850 This compromise let California in as a free state, let New Mexico and Utah to choose whether or not they wanted to be free states, and it abolished the slave trade.
Kansas-Nebraska act. It split up Kansas and Nebraska into two territories so they could choose if they wanted to be free or slaves states.
Dred Scott c. Sanford This is a court case where a master took his slave, Dred Scott, to a free state but Dred Scott was still a slave since he was property when he took his master to court.
Fugitive Slave Act This act allowed runaway slaves to be captured by anyone.
Bleeding Kansas This was a bunch of violent attacks between pro and anti slavery groups.
Civil War This was was America against it self. It was south vs. north, or Union vs Confederates to see who could keep their old way of life.
Emancipation Proclamation This freed all slaves in rebel areas during the civil war.
Civil War Draft Riots Poor people were not happy that you could pay out of being drafted into war because rich people wouldn't have to fight unlike poor people. This caused quite a few protests.
Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln gave this speech to boost the moral of the union soldiers to keep on fighting.
Reconstruction This was the era after the civil war where we were trying to be one country again without conflict.
Civil War Amendments These amendments gave African Americans more and more rights.
Completion of the Trans-Continental Railroad The completion of the railroad was a big thing. There was a ceremony when the two sides of the track met at Promontory Point, Utah.
Indian Wars These are a long span of battles and conflicts between Native Americans and Americans. These disputes happened a lot.
Gilded Age This is the age during America where big businesses and really rich people rose up and took over the economy. Often referred to as our golden age, but it really isn't.
Populist Party This is more or less a protest from farmers against Republicans and Democrats for ignoring their needs.
Plessy v. Ferguson This decision ruled Americans and Blacks "seperate but equal" so they all had the same rights but they were seperated.
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