
wrote for hw
Rachel Kurovski
Flashcards by Rachel Kurovski, updated more than 1 year ago
Rachel Kurovski
Created by Rachel Kurovski about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Amendment a small change to a law or document
Assimilate to understand completely
Bias an opinion against or for someone or something that is unfair
Bicameral to have two rooms or branches
Blockade to cut of completely
Boomtown having a huge growth because of good benifit
Capitalism a system where the economy is controlled by big money makers and buisness men and not the state
Captains of Industry leaders who transform America's economy with their buisness skills, helps others
Checks and Balances when one part of the government keeps the others in check so they don't become to powerful
Congress the two houses in the legislative branch, they are the House of Representatives and the Senate
Due Process of Law fair treatment in a court case, no biases
Economics the making, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
Emancipate to be free from bondage, slavery
Enfranchise to be given the right to vote
Enumerated to be listed
Federalism where different types of the government have certain power
Forty-niners someone who went to California in 1849 for the gold rush
Free Enterprise an economy that can hold itself together with free business compition
Habeas Corpus the right to see a judge in court for a crime
Industry business activities, trade or making things
Judicial the judgment in courts
Ku Klux Klan a secret organization that hurt blacks, and whites that stood up to them
Manifest Destiny the belief that americans had the right to explore the land it was their god given right
Martyr someone who dies for a religious cause
Monopoly where one business is the only business selling something, forcing the buyer to be their only option
Nomadic where an indian tribe doesn't stay in one place
Override where congress over comes the president's veto with a 2/3rds vote
Popular Sovereignty the people give the government the power
Ratify to agree to something
Radical Extreme
Republicanism where the people vote for their representative
Robber Baron a big business man who is greedy and doesn't think about the buyer
Rural countryside
Separation of Powers were one part of the government doesn't have to much power
Social Darwinism where the survival of the fittest comes into play
suffrage the right to vote
Supreme Court the highest court system in the country
Tariff a tax or duty of the people
Taxation without Representation colonist who were taxed without having a say in court
Trade Union were workers come together for better working conditions
Urban city
Veto where the president says no to a bill
Thomas Jefferson he was America's 3rd president and he wrote the Declaration of Independence
Andrew Jackson he was the 7th president and supported slavery
Sacagawea a guide and translator on the Lewis and Clark expedition
James K. Polk was known as 'Mr. Manifest Destiny' because he got the most land for america
Frederick Douglass an escaped slave who was a good speaker
Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote a book on slavery called "Uncle Toms Cabin"
John Brown a white abolitionist who believed that fighting back with weapons was to only option
Robert E. Lee the best general in america during the civil war
Andrew Johnson was the 17th president and was lincoln's vice president, he supported slavery
Susan B. Anthony an abolitionist who was also a suffragist
Sitting Bull an indian who resisted the americans
George Custer he was an army officer and a calvary commander in the civil war
Cornelius Vanderbilt built railroads and shipped items
John Rockefeller he created Standard Oil and created monopoly
Andrew Carnegie made his money off steel
Jamestown the first town to be built in america and made money on tobacco
Plymouth 2nd english settlement that came for religious freedom
Lexington and Concord the first armed conflict between Great Britain and America, start of the revolutionary war
Erie Canal a canal that goes from New York to the Great Lakes
The Alamo when mexican forces took siege to San Antonio, Texas
Harper's Ferry John Brown lead a raid on it to help slaves fight back, failed raid
Fort Sumter the first battle of the civil war
Gettysburg the bloodiest battle in the civil war
Appomattox Courthouse when Lee surrendered and the final resistance of the South
Ford's Theater where Lincoln was assassinated by John Booth
Promontory Point, Utah where the Union and Central Pacific Railroads joined
Ellis Island and Angel Island Ellis Island- were european immigrants came to America Angel Island- were asian immigrants came to America
Declaration of Independence said that we were no longer a part of Great Britain
Revolutionary War war fought with Britain to get our freedom
Articles of Confederation weak laws that the government couldn't put into force
Great Compromise said that smaller states would have a say in the government
Passing of the Constitution only nine states had to agree to it and at least nine did
Adding the Bill of Rights a 2nd constitutional convention was held to clear up citizens rights
Louisiana Purchase Thomas Jefferson bought it from France who had war debts
Missouri Compromise anything below the 36,30 line would be a slave state and anything above would be a free state
Indian Removal Acts forced indians to move to reservations for room for settlement
Mexican-American War where mexico tried to invade america
California Gold Rush when gold was found in California and people rushed to find the gold
Homestead Act where the rest of the land in Utah were for free, from the government
Industrial Revolution where machines kept getting better and changed america into a industrial country
Underground Railroad a system of people who helped slaves escape slavery
Seneca Falls Convention where women came together to help women's rights
Compromise of 1850 where Texas lost New Mexico, california was a free state, new mexico and Arizona can say yes or no to slavery, and D.C. was banned from having slave trade
Kansas-Nebraska Act kansas could say yes or no to slavery if Nebraska became a slave state
Dred Scott vs. Stanford where Dred Scott tried to sue for his freedom
Fugitive Slave Act where fugitive slaves were allowed to be caught anywhere
Bleeding Kansas where jay hawks and boarder ruffians fought for wether Kansas should be slave state or not
Civil War where the south succeeded the north and we fought to stay one country
Emancipation Proclamation where all slaves in areas of rebellion were considered free
Civil War draft riots where riots were thrown against wealthy whites and blacks because they had to fight
Gettysburg Address lincoln gave a speech to raise the spirits of the North
Reconstruction when we were trying to rebuild our country
Civil Rights Amendments gave black males their full citizenship
Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad where the government built a railroad across america and made it easier for people to travel
Indian Wars where indians were fighting back for being put on reservations
Gilded Age were society and the government are influenced in america greatly
Populist Party where the people banned together to get more say in the government
Plessy vs. Ferguson where the supreme court decided blacks were separate but equal
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