2 Chemistry (Higher)


Higher Chemistry (Unit 2 - Consumer Chemistry) Flashcards on 2 Chemistry (Higher) , created by kerryrandfield on 03/05/2015.
Flashcards by kerryrandfield, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kerryrandfield over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Fermentation an enzyme-controlled respiration reaction that takes place in the absence of oxygen in living yeast cells (glucose > ethanol + CO2)
Denaturation when an enzyme changes shape/structure so it is no longer able to catalyse reaction
Distillation a method of separating miscible liquids which have different boiling points by evaporation followed by condensation
Distillate the liquid which has been separated from mixture as a result of distillation
Isomers compounds which have the same molecular formula but different structural formulae
Dehydration Reaction reaction in which the elements of water are removed from a substance
Hydrolysis Reaction a reaction in which a molecule is split up by the chemical action of water
Reversible Reaction a reaction that can go in both forward and backward directions
Homologous Series > a group of compounds with the same general formula and chemical properties > show a trend in physical properties
Catalyst for dehydration of ethanol > ethene aluminium oxide Al2O3
Uses of esters > solvents > flavourings > fragrances
Catalyst for reaction acid + alcohol > ester concentrated sulphuric acid H2SO4
Uses of edible fats & oils > energy stores > transport of essential fat soluble vitamins
Vitamin A > strengthens immunity to infections > helps vision in dim light > keeps skin (and lining of some body parts) healthy > sources: cheese, eggs, oily fish
Vitamin D > regulated body's amount of calcium and phosphate > deficiency can lead to bone deformities > sources: sunlight, oily fish, eggs
Vitamin E > helps protect cell membranes > sources: soya, corn & olive oil, nuts, seeds
Vitamin K > helps blood clotting > sources: green vegetables, cereal
Enzymes proteins that act as biological catalysts
Essential Amino Acids building blocks of protein that cannot be made by the body so must be obtained through diet
Flavour mixture of taste and aroma
Volatile Molecule a molecule that evaporates easily
Fibrous Proteins > proteins that are long thin chains > make up skin and muscle > ( eg keratin, collagen.. )
Globular Proteins > form a bundle appearance > involved in maintenance and regualtion of life processes > ( eg haemoglobin, insulin, enzymes..)
Aldehyde a molecule containing a primary carbonyl group (structural formula -CHO)
Ketones a molecule containing a secondary carbonyl group
Reacting Aldehyde with Tollen's Reagent (oxidation) silver mirror is formed
Reacting Aldehyde with Fehling's Solution (oxidation) turns from blue to brick red
Reacting Aldehyde with Acidified Potassium Dichromate (oxidation) turns from orange to green
Dihydric Alcohol alcohol with two hydroxyl groups
Ways to Prevent Oxidation > lower temperature to slow oxidation reactions (ie fridge) > prevent food from coming into contact with oxygen (ie vacuum packed) > using antioxidants
Antioxidants molecules which reduce the rate of oxidation reactions by donating electron(s) to an oxidising agent. They are reducing agents
Saponification the process pf making soap by hydrolysing edible ooilusing an alkaline soultion (eg NaOH/KOH)
Structure of Soap > soluble in water (hydrophilic) ionic head) > long, insoluble in water (hydrophobic) hydrocarbon tail
Emulsion a mixture of immiscible liquids - small droplets of one liquid dispersed in another
Essential Oils concentrated extracts of the volatile, non-water soluble aroma compounds from plants
Steam Distillation > a process where hot steam passes over a substance that contains an essential oil. > the steam causes oil to turn into a gas and passes through apparatus. > steam and oil vapours condense and oil is left on top of water
Systematic Name for Isoprene 2 - methylbutan - 1,3 - diene
Terpenoids terpenes modified with oxygen of functional groups
Free Radicals atoms or fragments of a molecule with unpaired electrons that are highly reactive
Initiation Reaction a reaction in which two free radicals are formed by breaking the bond in a molecule. (requires input of energy - UV light)
Propagation Reaction a reaction in which a free radical reacts with a molecule to form a new free radical and a new molecule
Termination Reaction a reaction in which two free radicals meet and form a stable molecule
Free Radical Scavenger a molecule which can react with free radicals to form a stable molecule
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