3 Chemistry (Higher)


Higher Chemistry (Unit 3 - Principles to Production) Flashcards on 3 Chemistry (Higher), created by kerryrandfield on 03/05/2015.
Flashcards by kerryrandfield, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kerryrandfield over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Gram Formula Mass (GFM) mass, in grams, of one mole of a substance
Limiting Reactant the reactant that is completely used up in a reaction
Excess Reactants the reactants that are not used up completely in a reaction
Percentage Yield a measure of the efficiency with which the reactants have been converted actual yield/theoretical yield x100
Theoretical Yield the mass of product that ought to be produced based on mole ratios
Collision Theory > particles must collide.. > ..with sufficient energy.. >..in correct orientation
Activation Energy an energy barrier that must be overcome before reaction can occur
Activated Complex an unstable arrangement of atoms formed at the maximum potential energy barrier
Exothermic Reaction reaction in which gives out energy (negative enthalpy)
Endothermic Reaction a reaction which takes in energy (positive enthalpy)
Enthalpy measure of chemical energy stored in substances (kJ/mol)
Enthalpy Change the difference between final total enthalpy of products and initial total enthalpy of reactants
Enthalpy of Combustion enthalpy change when one mole of a substance burns completely in oxygen (products in standard states at 25 degrees and 1 atmosphere pressure)
Hess's Law "the overall enthapy change in a reaction, or sequence of reactions, depends only on the reactants and products, and not on the route taken"
Bond Enthalpy the energy required to break one mole of bonds and form two separate atoms, (all species in gaseous state)
Mean Bond Enthalpy average energy required to break one mole of bonds to form two separate atoms (all species in gaseous state)
Reaction is at Equilibrium > rate of forward reaction = rate of backwards reaction > concentrations of reactants and products are constant (but not necessarily equal)
Position of Equilibrium to the right More products than reactants (in a reversible reaction)
Factors Affecting Equilibrium Position > temperature > pressure (if moles of gases is different)
Atom Economy a measure of the potential amount of waste through the production of by-products for any reaction mass desired product/mass reactants x100
Molar Volume the volume that of one mole of a gas occupies at a certain temperature and pressure (same for all gases at same conditions)
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