3.4 Economic policy and church-state relations


Leaving Cert History (Dictatorship and Democracy Flashcards) Flashcards on 3.4 Economic policy and church-state relations, created by samstevenson2014 on 03/05/2015.
Flashcards by samstevenson2014, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by samstevenson2014 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What did Fascists interfere a great deal in? The economy
Especially after... The 1930 Depression
Who was Minister for Finance up to 1925? Albert de Stefani
What did he reduce? Taxes and borrowing
How did this effect the economy? It began a recovery
Why did Mussolini sack de Stefani? He wanted to follow a policy of "self sufficiency" (autarky)
What did this mean? Italy would produce all food and raw materials itself
What did this lead to? A series of propaganda "battles"
What encouraged farmers to grow more grain? The battle for grain
What encouraged Italians to continue farming? The battle for land
What was it's main achievement? The draining of the mosquito infested Pontine Marshes near Rome
What set exchange rate for Italy's currency very high? The battle for the lire
How did this effect the economy? It damaged it
What battle tried to increase population by giving bounties for babies? The battle for births
Did it work? No
What did Mussolini do as part of his imperial policy in the 1930's? What did this do? Increased spending on armaments Took money away from more socially useful projects
Why was there a quarrel between Italian government and the Church? Italian government had took over Pope's territories in the 19th century
What did Mussolini do regarding the church? Tried to appease the church by allowing Catholicism to be taught in schools
What happened with church-state relations in 1926? Negotiations opened
What did this lead to? What year? The Lateran Treaty signed in 1929
What did both sides recognise? The independence of the Vatican state and the Italian state
What did Italy pay? Compensation to the Pope for the property it took in 1860-70
Why did church state relations later deteriorate? Mussolini tried to close down Catholic Action, an independent organisation
What did the Pope oppose? Mussolini's anti-Jewish laws after his alliance with Hitler
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