WDW 205 - Intro to Crim


Intro To Criminology (Flash Cards) Flashcards on WDW 205 - Intro to Crim, created by shonabethluke-xx on 10/10/2013.
Flashcards by shonabethluke-xx, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by shonabethluke-xx almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Sutherland and Crassey's Criminology Definition A body of knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon (making, breaking and reacting to breaking laws)
Area's of Criminal Inquiry a) Criminal Law, b) Criminal Statistics, c) Crime Causation, d) Victimology e) Operation of CJS
law creation Criminal Law - the role social forces play in shaping criminal law
Law in Action Criminal Law - how does criminal law frame and influence society
Criminal Statistics - vary by location? Over time? Trends? Age, gender, social class?
Crime Causation why do people engage in crime?
Victimology are some people more prone to victimization than others?
Operation of the Criminal Justice System - Courts, Police, Correctional System - ARE THEY FAIR? IS IT EFFICIENT?
Deviance Unusual or rare behaviour, Deviance DNE Crime
Voluntary vs. Involuntary - Voluntary involves intent - involuntary behaviour is unintentional
Harmful vs. Harmless are criminal behaviours harmful? are all harmful behaviours criminal?
Hogans Typology Theory of Deviance 3 interaction variables, evaluation of social harm, severity, agreement about the norm
Hogans Typology Theory of Deviance 3 interaction variables, evaluation of social harm, severity, agreement about the norm
Types of Crime and Deviance Consensus Crime, Social Deviations, Conflict Crimes, Social Deviance
Crime A violation of a criminal law that has been formally established by the state
Criminal Law A set of rules legislated by the state in the name of society and enforced through the threat or application of punishment
Substantive law the rights of individuals that the JS must operate on
Procedural Law Written Laws
Civil Law Property, family, contract, municipal bylaws, business regulations etc.
Mala in Se Behaviours that are bad in and of themselves; consensus crimes
Consensus Crimes Agreed upon crimes, no debate about the illegalization
Social Deviations Crimes that deviate from the social norm, example: alcoholism, homosexuality
Conflict Crimes Pornography, gambling etc.
Social Diversions body piercings, cross dressing, etc
Mala Prohibitum behaviours that are illegal because the laws say they are
Consensus Perspective Law is fair and impartial, people agree on what is repugnant and evil and this is incorporated into law
Conflict perspective laws reflect power structure of society, protect vested interests, and target the underdog *Focus: crime of the rich - environmental crime etc.
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