Mammalogy Taxonomy


Degree Mammalogy Flashcards on Mammalogy Taxonomy, created by hannahsmith9393 on 10/10/2013.
Flashcards by hannahsmith9393, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hannahsmith9393 over 11 years ago
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Question Answer
Order: Monotremata Family: Tachglossidae (Echinas) Common name: Short-beaked echidna
Order: Monotremata Family: Tachglossidae Common name: Long-beaked echidna
Order: Monotremata Family: Ornithorhynchidae (Platypus) Common name: Duck-billed platypus
Order: Diprotodontia Family: Arcrobatidae Common name: Feathertail glider
Order: Diprotodontia Family: Burramyidae (Pygmy possums) Common name: Mountain pygmy possum
Order: Paucituberculata Family: Caenolestidae (Rat opossums) Common name: Grey bellied shrew opossum
Order: Dasyuromorphia Family: Dasyuridae (Quolls) Common name: Tasmanian devil
Order: Didelphimorphia Family: Didelphidae (Opossums) Common name: Virginia opossum
Order: Diprotodontia Family: Macropodidae (Kangaroos, wallabies) Common name: Red Kangaroo
Order: Microbiotheria Family: Microbiotheriidae Common name: Monito del monte
Order: Dasyuromorphia Family: Myrmecobiidae (Numbat) Common name: Numbat
Order: Notoryctemorphia Family: Notoryctidae (Marsupial moles) Common name: Southern marsupial mole
Order: Peramelemorphia Family: Peramelidae (Dry contry bandicoots) Common name: Eastern barred bandicoot
Order: Peramelemorphia Family: Peroryctidae (Rainforest bandicoot) Common name: Raffray's bandicoot
Order: Diprotodontia Family: Petauridae (Gliders, striped possums) Common name: Sugar glider
Order: Diprotodontia Family: Phalangeridae Common name: Bear cuscus
Order: Diprotodontia Family: Phascolarctidae (Koala) Common name: Koala
Order: Diprotodontia Family: Potoroidae (Bettongs, poteroos) Common name: Burrowing bettong
Order: Diprotodontia Family: Pseudocheiridae (Ringtail possums) Common name: Common ringtail possum
Order: Diprotodontia Family: Tarsipedidae (Honey possum) Common name: Honey possum
Order: Diprotodontia Family: Vombatoidae (Wombats) Common name: Common wombat
Order: Pilosa Family: Bradypodidae (3 toed tree sloths) Common name: Pygmy three-toed sloth
Order: Cingulata Family: Dasypodidae (Armadillos) Common name: Greater fairy armadillo
Order: Pholidota Family: Manidae Common name: Giant ground Pangolin
Order: Pilosa Family: Megalonychidae (2 toed tree sloths) Common name: Southern two-toed sloth
Order: Pilosa Family: Myrmecophagidae (Anteaters) Common name: Giant anteater
Order: Tubulidentata Family: Orycteropodidae (Aardvark) Common name: Aardvark
Order: Sirenia Family: Dugongidae (Dugong) Common name: Dugong
Order: Proboscidea Family: Elephantidae (Elephants) Common name: African bush elephant
Order: Sirenia Family: Trichechidae (Manatees) Common name: Amazonian manatee
Order: Hyracoidea Family: Procaviidae (Hyraxes) Common name: Rock hyrax
Order: Carnivora Family: Canidae (Coyotes, dogs, foxes, jackals, and wolves) Common name: Grey wolf
Order: Carnivora Family: Felidae (Cats) Common name: Lion
Order: Carnivora Family: Herpestidae (Mongooses) Common name: Yellow mongoose
Order: Carnivora Family: Hyaenidae (Hyenas and aardwolf) Common name: Aardwolf
Order: Carnivora Family: Mephitidae (Skunks and stink badgers) Common name: Hooded skunk
Order: Carnivora Family: Mustelidae (badgers, otters, weasels and relatives) Common name: Tayra
Order: Carnivora Family: Odobenidae (Walrus) Common name: Walrus
Order: Carnivora Family: Otariidae (Fur seals and sea lions) Common name: California sea lion
Order: Carnivora Family: Phocidae (Seals) Common name: Southern elephant seal
Order: Carnivora Family: Procyonidae (coatis, raccoons, and relative) Common name: Olingo
Order: Carnivora Family: Ursidae (Bears) Common name: Spectacled bear
Order: Carnivora Family: Viverridae (Civets, genets, linsangs, and relatives) Common name: Common Genet
Order: Chiroptera Family: Phyllostomidae (New world leaf nosed bats) Common name: Vampire bat
Order: Chiroptera Family: Pteropodidae (Old world fruit bats/flying fox) Common name: Black flying fox
Order: Chiroptera Family: Vespertilionidae (Evening and vesper bats) Common name: Pallid bat
Order: Cetacea Family: Balaenidae (Bowhead whales and right whales) Common name: Bowhead whale
Order: Cetacea Family: Balaenopteridae (Rorquals) Common name: Bryde's whale
Order: Cetacea Family: Delphinidae (Dolphins, killer whales, pilot whales, and relatives) Common name: Spinner dolphin
Order: Cetacea Family: Eschrichtiidae (Grey whale) Common name: Grey whale
Order: Cetacea Family: Monodontidae (Beluga and narwhal) Common name: Narwhal
Order: Cetacea Family: Neobalaenidae (Pygmy right whale) Common name: Pygmy right whale
Order: Cetacea Family: Phocoenidae (Porposes) Common name: Dall’s porpoise
Order: Cetacea Family: Physeteridae (Sperm whales) Common name: Sperm whale
Order: Cetacea Family: Platanistidae (Ganges and Indus river dolphin) Common name: Ganges river dolphin
Order: Cetacea Family: Ziphiidae (Beaked whales) Common name: Baird’s beak whale
Order: Cetacea Family: Iniidae (Amazon river dolphin) Common name: Amazon river dolphin
Order: Cetacea Family: Kogiidae (Pygmy and dwarf sperm whales) Common name: Dwarf sperm whales
Order: Cetacea Family: Lipotidae (Baji or Yangzee river dolphin) Common name: Yangtze river dolphin
Order: Cetacea Family: Pontoporiidae (La Plata river dolphin) Common name: La Plata river dolphin
Order: Perissodactyla Family: Equidae (Horses, asses and zebra) Common name: Asiatic ass
Order: Perissodactyla Family: Rhinocerotidae (Rhinoceros) Common name: Javan rhino
Order: Perissodactyla Family: Tapiridae (Tapirs) Common name: Mountain Tapir
Order: Artiodactyla Family: Antilocapridae (Pronghorn) Common name: Pronghorn
Order: Artiodactyla Family: Bovidae (Antelopes, cattle, gazelles, goats, sheep, and relatives) Common name: Bongo
Order: Artiodactyla Family: Camelidae (Camels and Llamas) Common name: Vicuna
Order: Artiodactyla Family: Cervidae (Deer) Common name: Chinese water deer
Order: Artiodactyla Family: Giraffidae (Giraffe and okapi) Common name: Okapi
Order: Artiodactyla Family: Hippopotamidae (Hippoptami) Common name: Pygmy hippo
Order: Artiodactyla Family: Moschidae (Musk deer) Common name: Alpine musk deer
Order: Artiodactyla Family: Suidae (Pigs and boars) Common name: Red river hog
Order: Artiodactyla Family: Tayassuidae (Peccaries) Common name: Collard Peccary
Order: Artiodactyla Family: Tragulidae (Chevrotains and mouse deer) Common name: Water chevrotains
Order: Rodentia Family: Castoridae (Beavers) Common name: Eurasian beaver
Order: Rodentia Family: Caviidae (Guinea pigs, cavies) Common name: Patagonian mara
Order: Rodentia Family: Erethizontidae (New world porcupines) Common name: North American porcupine
Order: Rodentia Family: Hydrochaeridae (Capybara) Common name: Capybara
Order: Rodentia Family: Hystricidae (Old world porcupines) Common name: African brush-tailed porcupine
Order: Rodentia Family: Muridae (Rats and mice) Common name: Bank vole
Order: Lagomorpha Family: Leporidae (Rabbits and hares) Common name: Broom hare
Order: Lagomorpha Family: Ochotonidae (Pikas) Common name: Royle's pika
Order: Macroscelidea Family: Macroscelididae (Elephant shrews) Common name: Golden-rumped elephant-shrew
Order: Dermoptera Family: Cynocephalidae (Colugos) Common name: Malayan colugo
Order: Primates Family: Cheirogaleidae (Dwarf and mouse lemurs) Common name: Grey mouse lemur
Order: Afrosoricida Family: Chrysochloridae (Golden moles) Common name: Juliana's golden mole
Order: Erinaceomorpha Family: Erinaceidae (Hedgehogs and gymnures) Common name: Moon-rat
Order: Soricomorpha Family: Nesophontidae (West Indies shrews) Common name: Puerto Rican Nesophontes
Order: Primates Family: Lemuridae (True lemurs) Common name: Crowned lemur
Order: Primates Family: Lepilemuridae (Sportive lemurs) Common name: White-footed sportive lemur
Order: Soricomorpha Family: Solenodontidae (Solenodons) Common name: Hispaniolan solenodon
Order: Soricomorpha Family: Soricidae (Shrews) Common name: Common/Eurasian shrew
Order: Soricomorpha Family: Talpidae (Moles and desmans) Common name: Russian desman
Order: Afrosoricida Family: Tenrecidae (Tenrecs and otter shrews) Common name: Common/tail less tenrecs
Order: Scandentia Family: Tupaiidae (Tree shrews) Common name: Large tree shrew
Order: Primates Family: Callitrichidae (Marmosets and tamarins) Common name: Emperor tamarin
Order: Primates Family: Cebidae (New world monkeys) Common name: Weeping capuchin
Order: Primates Family: Cercopithecidae (Old world monkeys) Common name: Mandrill
Order: Primates Family: Daubentoniidae (Aye aye) Common name: Aye aye
Order: Primates Family: Galagonidae (Galagos and bush babies) Common name: Small-eared galago
Order: Primates Family: Hominidae (Apes and humans) Common name: Bonobo
Order: Primates Family: Hylobatidae (Gibbons) Common name: Siamang
Order: Primates Family: Loridae (Lorises) Common name: Potto
Order: Primates Family: Tarsiidae (Tarsiers) Common name: Spectral tarsier
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