Sociology- Families- Key Terms.


Flashcards on Sociology- Families- Key Terms., created by Becky Walker on 07/05/2015.
Becky Walker
Flashcards by Becky Walker, updated more than 1 year ago
Becky Walker
Created by Becky Walker over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
A couple who live together but are not married are ? Cohabiting
When a couple are still married and live in the same house but lead separate lives Empty Shell Marriage
A word used first by Elizabeth Bott, meaning 'Equal' Egalitarian
Term to describe a sociological perspective, which takes a consensus view towards society, seeing the main structures working to support each other and maintain harmony, along with shared norms and values. Functionalism
Describes the situation when those at the top of the social ladder (the rich) gradually and over a long period of time, pass on their way of life to the lower sections of society (the poorer) Stratified Diffusion
Term referring to the 'man's role' whereby he is expected to be the breadwinner and main provider Instrumental Role
A family structure that goes beyond the 'nuclear' to involve grandparents also Bean Pole Extended Family
A person who is married to one person at a time Monogamy
The number of people per 1000 who are living together outside of marriage Cohabitation rate
The feminist term, suggesting that women have a larger amount of work to deal with during the day, if they are in paid employment and live in their own house Dual Burden
A certain type of Nuclear- this refers to the image most people hold of a family, and also the image the media tend to display Cereal Packet Family
The key 'traditional' role of a women, to look after the house and the children Expressive Role
When a couple live apart but are legally married Separation
When a person is married to more than one person at the same time Polygamy/Bigamy
The term suggesting women not only have paid work, housework but emotional work also to be primarily responsible for Triple shift
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