Chapter 8 Science Test (7th Grade)


Chapter 8 Science Test (7th Grade) by Irene Kim
Flashcards by irenepapers, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by irenepapers over 9 years ago

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Question Answer
Reverberation repeated echoes of sound
Echo reflected sound
Frequency number of wavelengths that pass a given point in 1 second
Pitch human perception of frequency
Infrared Waves electromagnetic waves given off by warm bodies
Ultraviolet Waves electromagnetic waves that come from the sun, and damage the skin
Visible Waves electromagnetic waves that give off lights of different colors that people see
Cochlea changes sound to electrical signals and sends them to the brain
Intensity perceived as the loudness of sound
Cornea the transparent layer forming in the front of the eye
Retina back part of the eye that contains the cells that respond to light
Rods and Cones rods are used to see in dim light, and cones are used to see color
How do the Different Types of Matter Affect the Speed of Sound? The different types of matter affects the speed of the sound because the speed of sound travels faster in solids than in liquids, and faster in liquids than in gases.
How does Temperature Affect the Speed of Sound? Temperature affects the speed of sound because the speed of sound through a material increases as the temperature of the material increases.
What is the Type of Wave that Carries Sound? The type of wave that carries sound is a compressional wave.
How do Humans Perceive the Intensity of Sound? Humans perceive the intensity of sound by the perception of loudness.
What is the Intensity of Sound that Humans can Tolerate? The intensity of sound that humans can tolerate are less than 120 dB.
Why do Theaters have Curtains and Carpets? Theaters have curtains and carpets because soft materials such as curtains and carpets absorb the energy of the sound.
How is Pitch Related to the Frequency of Sound Waves? Pitch is related to the frequency of sound waves because sounds with low frequencies have low pitch, and vice versa.
What types of Electromagnetic Waves are Microwaves? The type of electromagnetic wave that is a microwave is a radio wave.
What is the Relationship Between the Frequency and Wavelength of Light? The relationship between the frequency and wavelength of light is that the shorter the wavelength is, the higher the frequency is, and vice versa.
Explain the Relationship Between the Wavelength, Frequency, and Energy of Waves in the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The relationship between the wavelength, frequency, and energy of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum is that the energy and frequency of a wave goes left to right in the electromagnetic spectrum, while the wavelength of a wave is reversed for the electromagnetic spectrum.
How is the Speed of Light Affected by the Type of Matter? The speed of light is affected by the type of matter because the speed of light travels faster in gases than in liquids, and faster in liquids than solids.
Your Body makes Vitamin D with the Help of what Type of Light Wave? The body makes vitamin D with the help of ultraviolet light waves.
Light Travels as what Wave? Light travels as transverse waves.
What is the Relationship Between Brightness and Intensity? The relationship between the brightness and intensity is that the intensity determines the brightness of the light.
Compare and Contrast Light Waves and Sound Waves. Light and sound waves are similar because they both carry energy, but they are different because sound waves are slower than light waves.
Incident Rays Always Equals what? Incident rays always equals to reflected wave, so the smaller angle of the reflection wave would also make the incident wave decrease, and vice versa.
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