The Rime of the Ancient Mariner


Flashcards on The Rime of the Ancient Mariner , created by imsaffron on 13/05/2015.
Flashcards by imsaffron, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by imsaffron almost 10 years ago

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Part 1 Beginning - Framed narrative -The setting fits in with the framed narrative. Reader is confused why he is talking about a ship therefore as readers we are interested for what is to come. Connotations of old and wise. What he has to say is important - send of urgency. Mysterious and unusual. As readers we are automatically intrigued to find out the mariners tale: story within a story.
Part 1 Middle - Religious imagery of the Albatross. Setting - weather starts off positive then contrasts to negative (pathetic fallacy) The audience still wants to know why the mariner is so desperate to explain his story. Sense of urgency is heightened, and negative mood begins to form. Idyllic references to the harbour being safety for the mariner - links to Part 6.
Part 1 End - Cliff hanger. Short sentence. Enjambent. Destination - moral message is to not harm gods creatures. Ends on a separate line which highlights how it's isolated and significant. This can foreshadow that the mariner will face the consequences and punishment alone on the ship. Tension rises as the audience can anticipate that something bad will happen to the mariner.
Part 2 Beginning - Pathetic fallacy: "the good south wind still blew". Continuous movement which is positive as it makes the ship move, foreshadows positive things to come.
Part 2 Middle - Repetition - "water, water every where, ne any drop to drink" - shows their desperation for water. Their dehydration could be a possible consequence for killing the Albatross. Sets the poem with the idea of more/worse consequences to follow.
Part 2 Religious references - "the albatross about my neck was hung" - Symbolic of jesus carrying his cross for his sins, and the mariner carrying his burden for his crime against nature. Finishes the part, could signify how the burden will play an important role in following parts to come.
Part 3 Beginning - Positive tone: mystery is built. (References back to part one before he shot the Albatross) - Overjoyed, expression is surprised. Reader is hopeful for the Mariner is he being rescued? There is no wind the movement of the ship is mysterious.
Part 3 Middle - Tone shifts towards more menacing themes - 'game of dice'. Negative descriptions of what was believed to be the rescue ships crew mates - this relates back to his fate of his life in death, the mariner doesn't have control of the consequences of his crime against nature. Descriptions of death and life in death, creates the menacing tone life in death wins the dice game, despair as there is no ideal fate - further punishment is inevitable.
Part 3 End - Supernatural imagery is used, but it has become more sinister. Cyclical structure - reminding the reader again of why he is being subjected to punishment. The moral message is reinforced Coleridge highlighting the power of nature / actions against nature. The reader is awaiting a resolution to see if the punishment is going to be lifted.
Part 3 End - emphatic of the number of crew members dying - 'one by one' extended period of punishment. Punishment is severe, fate worse than death, purgatory, the mariner is alive, but surrounded by death and people he cannot communicate with. Tension / fear as the fate of the mariner has been decided.
Part 4 Beginning - frame narrative: goes back and reminds the reader that this is the mariner telling the wedding guest a story. This allows the reader to relate with the wedding guest and feel more involved with the poem as they also wonder whether he is dead or not.
Part 4 Middle - Religious language: links back to life in death. In the bible it says you will be dragged to hell if you don't care for orphans - this is implying that his curse is worse than being dragged into hell showing he would rather die then continue living with this curse. (surrounded by death) Begins with negative supernatural references to the dead not rotting or smelling, like corpses should which causes the theme of disorder. After the change in the mood, the supernatural references then become more positive. These referencing create a lot of mystery for the reader and act as a hook into what will happen next but also leads to the change in mood throughout the rest of the poem. The use of both supernatural and religious imagery as well as other opposing themes creates a sense of chaos and confusion.
Part 4 End - shows a contrast to past moments in the poem as he was cursing nature and harming it, where as now he is blessing it so he has become aware of his mistake in killing the albatross and is trying to make it better. = The repetition emphasises his desperation as he just blesses the creatures unaware based on a sudden feeling. It shows the lifting of the curse and the mariner becoming free of his burden, which could also represent his guilt being lifted because he has blessed the creatures. The references to "lead" creates a negative connotations as it is associated to depression, heaviness
Part 5 Beginning - Pathetic fallacy: the repeated c sound is plosive which means it stops in the mouth, this reflect the noise and harshness of the weather conditions. Almost every weather condition is happening at once, except sunny, which increases the negative mood in the poem and also the feeling of chaos. This links to the supernatural references present throughout the poem as it is nature responding to the curse being broken.
Part 5 Middle - Supernatural VS Natural - The middle of the part begins with supernatural references as the bodies of the crew come to life. It is still maintaining that mystery because they are up an moving about but not talking. The mariner mentions "the body of my brothers son" which makes the poem slightly more personal to the mariner and shows how his actions have consequences on not just him but also the people he loves.
Part 5 Introduction of voices - The two voices come in as the mariner slips out of consciousness and it is as if they are two opposing opinions about him deciding his fate. This links back to life in death and death as they were deciding the mariners fate before hand. This shows that overall the mariner has no control over his own life now he is simply at the mercy of others. The first voice comes across as being very judgemental, which is portrayed in the tone of his voice, and he sounds very accusative of the mariner as he shot the albatross. The second voice comes across as "softer voice, as soft as honey - dew" which creates a sense of resolution, contrasting to the first voices sense of injustice. However the reference to the mariners "penance" shows that there is more to come in the form of the mariners punishment and sets the reader up with what will happen next in the story.
Part 6 Beginning - Voices follow on from part 5. 1st voice has a judgemental and questioning tone whilst the 2nd voice is more knowledgable. The mariners fate is still in the hands of others setting up anticipation for the reader supernatural nature of the voices emphasises the rejection of science. (Arguably the most positive section yet)
Part 6 Middle - Cyclical structure - the mariner goes back to the harbour and church where he started his journey in part 1. Creates a sense of resolution for the mariner, positive emphasise the idea that his punishment is coming to an end. Leaving the hope and promise of the mariner overcoming the guilt he feels. Relgious imagery reinforces the moral message and emphasises the importance of this. Significant as things are getting better for the mariner, giving the promise of hope.
Part 6 Introduction of new character: Hermit. The hermit will help the mariner to wash away the sin of the crime has committed against god and nature. The mariner is now being rewarded with help due to him blessing gods creatures and realising the importance of respecting his creations. Creates a sense of relgious cleanse, making the poem move towards a sense of resolution. Reliterates moral message by continuing this cyclical structure by going back to what happened at the end of part 1.
Part 7 Beginning - Characterisation of the hermit - adds to the sense of resolution within the narrative. The hermit is connected with nature and this helps to present his as a 'good' character that may be able to assist the mariner.
Part 7 Middle - repetition of language/ similes used. Adds to the cyclical structure of the narrative and the feeling that the narrative has come full circle. Reminds the reader of the albatross, MARKS THE END OF THE JOURNEY.
part 7 End - focus on the wedding guest and the moral message. Brings the narrative to a close (resolution) the reader learns with the wedding guests - respect GODS creatures. Oppositional ideas, sad story = death, punishment. Wiser = more positive he has learnt a lesson. He feels the need to re tell the story (share his growth)
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