English Language


English Language B AQA A2 - Language Change
Flashcards by azrn90, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by livbennett over 9 years ago
Copied by azrn90 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Old English (5th – 11th centuries) the development of English from the linguistic influence of Germanic and Viking invaders
Middle English (11th – 14th centuries) The mixing of French with English after the Norman Conquest
Early Modern English (15th – 17th centuries) The continual process of change, as English discarded older forms of word order and word endings and added Latin words for new concepts and ideas
Late Modern English 18th century – present) The age of standardised English
Political Correctness Words or phrases used to replace those that are deemed offensive
Overt Prestige Refers to the status speakers get from using the most official and standard form of a language. Received Pronunciation and Standard English are accepted as the most prestigious English accent and dialect
Covert Prestige Refers to the status speakers who choose not to adopt a standard dialect get from a particular group within society
Borrowing/Loan Word The introduction of a word from one language to another, these can be anglicised or remain similar to the original in spelling and pronunciation
Eponym The name of a person after whom something is named
Proprietary names The name given to a product by one organisation becomes the commonly used name for the same product
Acronym A lexicalised word made up from the initial letters of a phrase (sounded as a word)
Initialism A word made from initial letters, each being pronounced
Clipping A new word produced by shortening an existing one
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