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Internal Factors and Ethnic Differences in Achievement


Studies for internal factors and ethnic differences in achievement.
Jessica Phillips
Flashcards by Jessica Phillips, updated more than 1 year ago
Jessica Phillips
Created by Jessica Phillips almost 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (1)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Gillborn and Youdell (2000) Argue that teachers are quick to discipline black pupils than others for the same behaviour because of 'racialised expectations'. They found that teachers expected problems from them and misinterpreted their behaviour. The pupils then responded negatively, furthering the conflict. They concluded that the conflict between black pupils and white teachers stems from racial stereotypes more than actual behaviour.
Jenny Bourne (1994) Found that schools tended to see black boys as a threat and negatively label them, leading eventually to exclusion.
Peter Foster (1990) Found teacher stereotypes of black pupils could result in them being placed in lower sets than others of the same ability.
Tony Sewell (1998) Examined the strategies and responses of coping with racism in black pupils. Found that black boys that are stereotyped as anti-school and rebellious responded in four ways: rebals, conformists, retreatists and innovators. Recognized that other factors also contribute to underachievement in black boys.
Troyna and Williams (1986) The curriculum in British schools is ethnocentric because it gives priority to white culture and the English language.
Richard Hatcher (1996) Found that school governing bodies gave low priority to race issues and failed to deal with pupils' racist behaviour.
Chris Arnot (2004) Role models of anti-school black masculinity is constantly being reinforced by the media.
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