Year End Final Review- Last WYNTK


Last WYNTK Elizabeth Rigney
Flashcards by elizabethrigney, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by elizabethrigney about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Amendment An official change made to the US Constitution
Assimilate To adopt the culture and ways of life of others
Bias Making a choice based on a personal preference that is unfair to the other options
Bicameral Made up of two houses, such as the US Congress that's composed of the Senate and House of Representatives
Blockade A tactic used to keep goods or people from entering or leaving a certain place
Boomtown A town suddenly prospering economically and becoming popular
Capitalism A system of government which supports competition, private ownership, and government run by the people
Captain of Industry Someone wealthy seen positively, respected, and admired for their intelligence, ambitions, and philanthropy
Checks and Balances A system of the US government which grants each branch some power over the other to keep any one branch from having too much control
Congress The legislative branch of the US government which includes the House of Representatives and the Senate
Due Process of Law Fair treatment in the court system for all citizens convicted of a felony
Economics The system in how money is spent within a country
Emancipated Freed from bondage
Enfranchised Given the right to vote
Enumerated Listed
Federalism A system in which the US government is split between the federal, state, and local governments and the power is divided between them
Forty- niners Those who went to California in 1849 seeking gold
Free Enterprise A system in which businesses are in competition and mostly free of government control
Habeus Corpus A part of the government stating that each criminal is held before a judge and given a trial
Industry Businesses manufacturing goods in the economy
Judicial The branch of the US government that interprets laws and also holds the court system
Ku Klux Klan A group formed after the Civil War intended to terrorize freed blacks and those who supported them
Manifest Destiny The idea that it was God's destiny for the settlers to move west during the westward expansion of North America
Martyr Someone who dies for a religious cause
Monopoly When one company has complete control over the business of the goods they are manufacturing and there is no competition
Nomadic Living in a way where you move around a lot, sometimes following a herd of animals that is your main resource
Override After the president vetoes a bill proposed by Congress when they get enough votes to pass it without his approval
Popular Sovereignty The principle of government where the government is run by the power of the people
Ratify To offically approve
Radical Extreme
Republicanism The system in government in which the people elect their government officials
Robber Baron Someone wealthy seen negatively and resented for being seen as to have stepped on others to have their current position
Rural Small towns with small populations
Separation of Powers A system of government where the federal government's power is separated into branches
Social Darwinism The idea that the phrase "survival of the fittest" among animals also is applicable to people
Suffrage The right to vote
Supreme Court The largest and highest court in the judicial branch
Tariff A tax to be paid on a particular good
Taxation Without Representation Before the Revolutionary War when Britain was charging the colonists high taxes without their approval
Trade Union When a group of laborers unite to try and receive better working conditions or higher pay from management
Urban Big cities with high populations
Veto When the president disapproves of a bill proposed by Congress
Thomas Jefferson The third US president who wrote the Declaration of Independence and bought the Louisiana Purchase
Andrew Jackson The US's seventh president who was elected for being a 'common man'. He approved the Indian Removal Act.
Sacagawea A Native American woman who traveled with Lewis and Clark as a guide and a translator
James Polk AKA "Mr. Manifest Destiny" who claimed a lot of land for the US during hie presidency
Frederick Douglass He was born into slavery and taught himself how to read and write before escaping to the North and writing a very influential autobiography of his experiences through slaver
Harriet Beecher Stowe A white woman living during slavery who, after witnessing slavery firsthand, wrote a novel called Uncle Tom's Cabin which showed the horrors of slavery an spread the idea of abolition through the North
John Brown A radical abolitionist who supported violence for his beliefs. He was killed during the Harper's Ferry raid when he planned to steal weapons and then arm slaves and lead a slave revolt.
Robert E Lee The highest Confederate general during the Civil War who surrendered to Grant, ending the war
Andrew Johnson Became president after Lincoln was assassinated and refused many bills supporting rights for freed blacks. Near the end of his term he was impeached but allowed to serve out the rest of his time in office.
Susan B. Anthony A women's rights activist who worked with Elizabeth Stanton, leading many campaigns supporting women.
Sitting Bull A Native American with a great reputation for bravery in battle. When white settlers broke the Laramie treaty Sitting Bull defended his land and fought in a battle killing off all of the white soldiers who planned to take their land.
George Custer A white man who was killed trying to take rightfully owned land from Native Americans. He and his whole group of 600 men were wiped out.
Cornelius Vanderbilt An industrialist who became very wealthy through railroads and shipping.
John Rockefeller One of the world's richest men who gained his fortune through an oil company.
Andrew Carnegie A very wealthy man who gained his fortune through a steel business and gave a lot of his money toward building schools and libraries.
Jamestown The first permanent American settlement in North America where those who lived there thrived from growing tobacco.
Plymouth The second permanent American settlement on North America that was created by pilgrims seeking religious freedom.
Lexington and Concord Battles during the American Revolution which were won by the militia and helped boost the colonies' confidence.
Erie Canal A manmade waterway connecting New York to Lake Erie that was first completed in 1815
The Alamo When Santa Anna was attacking the Alamo, the Texans defended it and held their ground, making it an important place to them for many years to come.
Harper's Ferry An arsenal that John Brown tried to seize to arm slaves and lead a slave revolt, but it was a failed attempt.
Fort Sumter The first battle of the Civil War, AKA the First Bull Run, showed the Union that the war was going to be more bloody and drawn- out than anyone expected.
Gettysburg The bloodiest battle of the Civil War that took place over three days with around 50,000 total casualties.
Appomattox Courthouse Where Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant, ending the Civil War
Ford's Theater Where John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Lincoln a few days after the end of the Civil War
Promontory Point, Utah Where the transcontinental railroad connected in the US from companies laying railroads
Ellis Island and Angel Island Ellis Island is near New York and was used to bring in immigrants and check them for disease. Angel island was used to bring in Chinese immigrants and was sometimes known as "The Ellis Island of the West".
Declaration of Independence Written by Thomas Jefferson, this gave the colonists freedom from Britain and declared the United States a separate country
Revolutionary War When the colonists wanted freedom from Britain and Britain fought against them to keep control over them
Articles of Confederation The first Bill of Rights that failed to enforce laws and was removed
Great Compromise When it was a debate whether or not representation in Congress should be based on equality or population, it was a compromise to put two houses in Congress, one basing representation on equality and the other on population
Passing of the Constitution Some wanted to pass the constitution the way it was and give the federal government more power, but others wanted a bill of rights to protect the citizens from the government and it was decided that it would pass with a bill of rights
Adding the Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights was created to guarantee freedoms for the people and protect the citizens from the government
Louisiana Purchase When France needed money, Napoleon offered the US the Louisiana Purchase to the US for a cheap $15 million which Thomas Jefferson accepted
Missouri Compromise When Missouri wanted to enter as a slave state, it was agreed that it would but Maine would also enter as a free state and an imaginary line was drawn over the remainder of the Louisana territory deciding what would be free and slave states
Indian Removal Acts Signed by Andrew Jackson, these removed Choctaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Seminole, and Creek Indians from their homelands and onto reservations, but thousands died due to the horrible conditions while being moved.
Mexican- American War A battle for land against Mexico, and after, Mexico had lost nearly a third of their territory.
California Gold Rush When gold was stumbled across in California and many settlers moved there, trying to find gold and become rich
Homestead Act Signed by Abraham Lincoln, this gave free land to settlers moving west and encouraged western migration
Industrial Revolution The time period with an intense amount of technological growth and new inventions being made, also where many moved from rural to urban lifestyles
Underground Railroad A secret path of safe houses with which escaped slaves would be welcomed into and given a way out of slavery
Seneca Falls Convention Located in Seneca Falls, New York, it was a march fighting for women's rights and suffrage for women
Compromise of 1850 Overriding the Missouri Compromise, this allowed states to vote on whether they would be a free or slave state
Kansas- Nebraska Act Overriding the Missouri Compromise, this allowed new states to vote and decide if they wanted to be a slave or free state
Dred Scott vs. Stanford The court case proved that African Americans were not citizens and therefore could not testify in court
Fugitive Slave Act This made it possible for free blacks to be taken to owners at any time just by being convicted of having escaped slavery
Bleeding Kansas When Kansas was going to hold their vote on whether to be a slave or free state and many lived here trying to change the vote, erupting violence across the state
Civil War A war in which the South declared itself an independent country and the North fought to return it to the Union
Emancipation Proclaimation Given by Abraham Lincoln, this declared all slaves free
Civil War Draft Riots When Congress passed a rule that every male between the ages of 20 and 45 be drafted into military service there were many riots going against the rule
Gettysburg Address One of the best known speeches in American history given by Abraham Lincoln inspiring everyone to fight and remember those who lost their lives fighting
Reconstruction The time period after the Civil War when laws were made to reunite the country
Civil War Amendments The 13th amendment, which ended slavery forever, the 14th amendment which granted African Americans citizenship, and the 15th amendment which granted African American males the right to vote
Completion of Trans Continental Railroad The first trans continental railroad was completed in 1869, giving a newer, more efficient way to travel and transport goods
Indian Wars There were many conflicts between Indians and white settlers in North America and the fight for land between them
Gilded Age The time period of intense economic growth throughout the US after Reconstruction
Populist Party A political party formed for the good of the people against the Republicans which supported the common people
Plessy vs. Ferguson This court case ruled it okay to have public segregation as log as they were "separate but equal".
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