OCR GCSE History-Paper Two: The State of Public Health in the First Half of the 19th Century NEW FOR 2015!!!


Part of OCR GCSE History-Paper Two, first section of the specification: The State of Public Health in the First Half of the 19th Century. This paper is NEW FOR 2015!!!
I Turner
Flashcards by I Turner, updated more than 1 year ago
I Turner
Created by I Turner almost 10 years ago
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Resource summary

Question Answer
What problems were there in public health in the early 19th Century? -Rapid growth in towns -Spread of Disease -Poor Living conditions -Social class divide -Government Laissez Faire approach
Why was nothing done about Public Health issues? -Technology had not advanced enough -Lack of understanding of what caused disease -Laissez Faire approach -No Government Funding -Other priorities -Poor not treated in hospitals -Rich weren't concerned with poor -Believed in Spontaneous generation
What illnesses were caused as a result of bad public health? -TB -Diphtheria -Whooping Cough -Typhoid -Influenza -Cholera -Smallpox -Measles
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