India key dates


the key dates in indian history
Flashcards by abioftheholly, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by abioftheholly about 9 years ago

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Question Answer
partition of Bengal 1905
Morley Minto reforms 1909: - 60 Indian representatives to be elected to serve the viceroys executive council - separate electorates for Hindu's and Muslims
First World War 1914-18 Gandhi encouraged indians to sign up, but as soon as this did not grant independence Gandhi encouraged people to revolt
Montague Declaration 1917 Britain was now implicitly committed to allowing Indians to govern themselves but within the context of the British empire, although no time scale was given and this angered many
the Monatgue-Chelmsford report and the Government of India act 1919 - published July 1918- made law by the government of india act in December 1919 - The viceroy could now enforce laws even if the legislative councils rejected them and he could choose his own officials - the provincial councils were given power over education, agriculture, health, local self-government and public works - the British kept control over military matters, foreign affairs, currency, communications and criminal law - reserved seats in provincial legislatures for different religions DYARCHY
Rowlatt acts March 1919 isolated Bengal, Bombay and Punjab and enforced old wartime controls- imprisonment with trial, trial without a jury, censorship a house arrest of suspects MONTAGUE DIDNT APPROVE
Amritsar massacre 13 April 1919 misunderstanding- public meetings banned due to the recent hartals- innocent pilgrims celebrating a religious festival shot at in jallianwala bagh
Martial Law imposed on Amritsar 14th April 1919 Aimed to humiliate Amritsar residents - Any indian who passed Dyer must Salaam to him - all third class railway tickets withdrawn, making it impossible for peasant indians to travel
Crawling order Any indian who wished to pass through the lane in which Marcia Sherwood had been killed must crawl the length on all fours
first civil disobedience campaign 1919
second civil disobedience campaign 1920-22
simon commission 1927 seven english delegates travelling india to determine whether the government of india act of 1919 worked or not - indians took this as a message that indians had know say in own indian politics
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