Year 5 G.k. Challenge


Flashcards on Year 5 G.k. Challenge, created by blandau on 14/10/2013.
Flashcards by blandau, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by blandau about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
6 Orders Of The Mishnah FIRST 3 זְרָעִים מוֹעֵד נָשִׁים
6 Orders Of The Mishnah LAST 3 נְזִיקִין קָדְשִׁים טַהַרוֹת
זְרָעִים Laws of brochos and agriculture
מוֹעֵד Laws of Shabbos and Yom Tov
נָשִׁים Marriage, divorce and promises
נְזִיקִין Property and damages.
קָדְשִׁים Kashrus, shechita Korbonos, holy objects
טַהַרוֹת Pure and impure people and objects
מִצְוַת עַשֵׂה שֶׁהַזְמַן גְרָמָא Positive time-bound Mitzvos לוּלָב סוּכָּה צִיצִת תְּפִלִין
Levi's father Yaakov
Kehos's son Amrom
Moshe's grandfather Kehos
שַׁבָּת שׁוּבָה שַׁבָּת between Rosh Hashono and Yom Kippur
שַׁבָּת שִׁירָה שַׁבָּת we lein Beshalach
שַׁבָּת הַגָּדוֹל שַׁבָּת before Pesach
שַׁבָּת חַזוֹן שַׁבָּת before Tisha B’av
שַׁבָּת נַחַמוּ שַׁבָּת after Tisha B’av
Rolling up Sefer Torah גְלִילָה
Lifting the Sefer Torah הַגְבָּאָה
Opening the Oron פְּתִיחָה
Called up to the Torah עַלִיָה
How many people are called up to the Torah שַׁבָּת 7 or more
How many people are called up to the Torah יום כפור 6
How many people are called up to the Torah (יום טוב (שלש רגלים 5
How many people are called up to the Torah ראש חודש 4
How many people are called up to the Torah חול המועד 4
How many people are called up to the Torah יום שני 3
How many people are called up to the Torah יום חמישי 3
How many people are called up to the Torah Fast days 3
How many people are called up to the Torah חנוכה 3
How many people are called up to the Torah פורים 3
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