Eduqas GCSE - Religious Studies - Good and Evil - The Problem of Evil


GCSE Religious Education (RE) (Good and Evil) Flashcards on Eduqas GCSE - Religious Studies - Good and Evil - The Problem of Evil, created by Malachy Moran-Tun on 29/11/2020.
Malachy Moran-Tun
Flashcards by Malachy Moran-Tun, updated more than 1 year ago
Malachy Moran-Tun
Created by Malachy Moran-Tun almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the Characteristics that the God of Classical Theism should Possess? > God is the creator of everything > God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent and omnipresent > God fully reveals himself in the incarnation of Jesus (both fully human and fully divine) > Jesus' death is atonement for sin - he is the saviour > Christianity is monotheistic, but believes in the Trinity - Father, Son, Holy Spirit
What does Genesis teach about Original Sin? > Fall of Humanity (Genesis 3) > Adam and Eve disobey the command of God > As a result, evil enters the world > The tendency to disobey God is passed on to every human (original sin) > Everyone is born with original sin > Humans misuse the gift of free will, so this accounts for evil
What are the 2 types of Evil? 1. Moral Evil - suffering as a result of human choices or actions 2. Natural Evil - suffering as a result of nature (earthquakes, volcanoes etc.)
What does Epicurus and David Hume say on the Problem of Evil? 1. Epicurus - Epicurean Paradox - if God is willing to prevent evil, but not able to, he is omnibenevolent but NOT omnipotent; if God is able to, but not willing, his is malevolent and omnipotent 2. David Hume - "Evil is the rock of atheism" - God cannot exist since he would be omnibenevolent and omnipotent
Explain the Inconsistent Triad > Proposed by J. L. Mackie > God cannot be all good, all powerful and have evil exist > To say all is a contradiction when faced with the existence of evil > God CANNOT be all good and all powerful and have evil exist > God is all good, but NOT all powerful (or visa versa), or there is no God at all
How does St. Irenæus rebut the Problem of Evil? > Says God allows evil so that we can grow morally > When faced with evil, we have a chance to grow and develop (link to conscience) > God gives us this choice so we can become more "Imago Dei"
How does St. Augustine rebut the Problem of Evil? > Says God cannot create evil because God is "all good" > Evil is simply an absence of good, just as blindness is an absence of sight - "a privatio boni" > Evil exists because of a lack of goodness in the world
What are the 4 main (general) Responses to the Problem of Evil? 1. To Reject God (Atheism) 2. To Consider how to Use Free Will Well 3. To Repent 4. To Seek Jesus as the Answer for the Problem
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