Step 3- Preventive Medicine


Step 3 cards Flashcards on Step 3- Preventive Medicine, created by Jaimie Shah on 16/10/2013.
Jaimie Shah
Flashcards by Jaimie Shah, updated more than 1 year ago
Jaimie Shah
Created by Jaimie Shah over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
indications for flu and pnemovax vaccine pt with chronic lung, heart, liver, kidney, and cancer conditions; hiv pos pts; on steroids; DM
when is flu administered and who does it work on the best best for pt>50, preg, health care workers; it is given yearly
when to vaccinate for menigococcal dz all at age 11; at high risk if no spleen or terminal complement def so vaccinate sooner
when to vaccinated boys and girls for HPV 13-26yr
when to give VZV vaccine (zoster) higher dose of childrens vaccine, given at 65
best first trial medication for smoking cessation patches and gum replacement
when do we start ordering DEXA age>65
when screen for AAA men over 65 who ever smoked
when do we do DM screening routine in pts with hx of HTN
when to screen for HTN check BP in all pts above the age of 18 at visits
when screen for HLD Men>35 and women>45 ...told by USPSTF starting at 25
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