every organic chemistry definition you need to know for leaving cert


Flashcards on every organic chemistry definition you need to know for leaving cert, created by Rebecca O Toole on 26/05/2015.
Rebecca O Toole
Flashcards by Rebecca O Toole, updated more than 1 year ago
Rebecca O Toole
Created by Rebecca O Toole almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
HYDROCARBONS compounds with hydrogen and carbon only
HOMOLOGOUS SERIES a group of compounds that contain the same functional group and each successive member differs by CH 2
FUNCTIONAL GROUP a group of atoms on which the characteristic properties of a homologous series depends
ISOMERS compounds with the same molecular formula but differ in structure
Saturated compounds contain all single bonds C-C
UNSATURATED COMPOUNDS contain double or triple bonds c=c or C≡C
ADDITION REACTIONS involve unsaturated compounds
SUBSTITUTION REACTIONS involve saturated compounds
ELIMINATION REACTION a small molecule is removed from a larger molecule to leave a double bond in the larger molecule, water is also lost
CONDENSATION REACTION two molecules combine to form a larger molecule and water
RECRYSTALLISATION a process used to separate a solid from a solid impurities by dissolving in a minimum amount of hot solvent
REFLUX allows the reaction to be boiled without losing any volatile material
AROMATIC COMPOUNDS molecules that contain a benzene ring in their structure
ALIPHATIC COMPOUNDS straight or branched chained molecules or molecules that contain ring structures, other than a benzene ring
POLYMERISATION when small molecules(monomers) are joined together to make large molecules(polymers)
FRACTIONAL DISTILLATION a mixture of different liquids are separated into different components depending on their boiling points
LIQUID-LIQUID EXTRACTION a technique used to separate two immiscible liquids using a solvent in which one of the liquids has a higher solubility than the other.
CATALYTIC CRACKING the breaking down of long chained molecules into many smaller molecules
AUTO-IGNITION the early explosion of the petrol/air mixture due to compression of the piston rather than by a spark
KNOCKING the noise/vibration produced in an engine as a result of auto-ignition
OCTANE NUMBER the measure of tendency of the fuel to resist auto-ignition
OXYGENATES any fuel that contains oxygen in its molecule e.g. ethanol
REFORMING DEHYDROCYCLISATION the use of catalysts to form aromatic compounds a cyclic compound and hydrogen is produced as a by-product
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