Fichas de ingles


Las fichas contienen oraciones en Inglés con su respectiva imagen
Elian Sicajau
Flashcards by Elian Sicajau, updated more than 1 year ago
Elian Sicajau
Created by Elian Sicajau about 4 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
TO GO BOWLING (ir a jugar bolos) Ani of varius ganes un which a heaby ball IS rolled down a special alley
GLOVES (guantes) I west gloves to protect myself
HELMET (Casco) I protect myself whit the helmet
TO CLIM (escalar) I LIKE Tho clim the mountains
MAILBOX (buson) The cards are left by the mailbox
LUNCHBOX (caja de almuerzo) I REALLY LIKE the luch box
TO JUMP (Saltar) I LIKE tho jump rope
ALONG (a lo largo) Along you can see my house
HAIRBRUSH (Cepillo para el pelo) I LIKE tho brush mi hair
TO RUN ( correr) I Go for a RUN to exirce
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