Laboratory Apparatus


Common lab equipment
Peter  Hoskins
Flashcards by Peter Hoskins, updated more than 1 year ago
Peter  Hoskins
Created by Peter Hoskins over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Beaker A wide-mouthed container used to transport, heat or store substances
Thermometer Used to measure temperature
Bunsen burner Used to heat objects
Test-tube A small glass container used to view chemical reactions or to heat small amounts of a substance
Measuring cylinder Used to measure volume very precisely
Funnel Used to pour liquids into containers with small openings or to hold filter paper
Tripod Used to place a beaker or conical flask on when heating with a Bunsen burner
Test-tube rack Used to stand tes-tubes in
Spatula Used to measure out small amounts of solids e.g. powders
Clamp stand Used to hold a variety of lab equipment
Conical flask A narrow-mouthed container used to transport, heat or store substances, often used when a stopper is required
Safety glasses / goggles Protects the eyes from flying objects or chemical splashes
Tongs Used to pick up or hold hot objects
Test-tube holder Used to hold a test-tube when being used
Pipette Used to dispense a very small amount of a liquid
Electronic balance A device to measure the mass of an object or substance
Stopwatch Used to measure time
Filter paper Use to separate an insoluble solid from a liquid
Mortar and pestle Used to grind up solids into a powder
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